Background information
LC Paper No. LS65/04-05 (issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1533/04-05 on 11.5.2005)
| - | Legal Service Division Report
LC Paper No. CB(2)1611/04-05(03) (issued on 19.5.2005)
| - | Background brief prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
LC Paper No. CB(2)1758/04-05(01)
(English version only)
(issued on 1.6.2005)
| - | Extract of section 11 of the Singapore Estate Duty Act
Papers provided by the Administration
LC Paper No. CB(2)1734/04-05(01)
(English version only)
(issued on 31.5.2005)
| - | Detailed breakdown of dutiable estates by value provided by the Administration
LC Paper No. CB(2)1778/04-05(01)
(English version issued on 2.6.2005, Chinese version to follow)
| - | Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 31 May 2005
LC Paper No. CB(2)1778/04-05(02)
(issued on 2.6.2005)
| - | Administration's response to question raised by Hon CHAN Kam-lam in his letter of 25 May 2005
LC Paper No. CB(2)1832/04-05(01)
(English version issued on 6.6.2005, Chinese version to follow)
| - | Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 2 June 2005
LC Paper No. CB(2)1872/04-05(01)
(English version issued on 8.6.2005, Chinese version to follow)
| - | Information provided by the Administration in response to members' request at the meetings on 6 and 7 June 2005
LC Paper No. CB(2)1875/04-05(01)
(issued on 9.6.2005)
| - | A letter dated 8 June 2005 from the Judiciary Administrator
LC Paper No. CB(2)1875/04-05(02)
(English version issued on 9.6.2005, Chinese version to follow)
| - | Administration's response to members' comments at the Bills Committee meetings held on 6 and 7 June 2005 in respect of the schedule of property
LC Paper No. CB(2)1909/04-05(01)
(English version issued on 13.6.2005, Chinese version to follow)
| - | Administration's response to members' comments at the Bills Committee meeting held on 9 June 2005
Letter prepared by the Legal Service Division
LC Paper No. CB(2)1715/04-05(01)
(issued on 30.5.2005)
| - | Letter dated 26 May 2005 from the Legal Service Division to the Administration
Administration's response to letter from the Legal Service Division
LC Paper No. CB(2)1798/04-05(01)
(English version issued on 3.6.2005, Chinese version to follow)
| - | Administration's response to questions raised by the Assistant Legal Advisor in her letter of 26 May 2005
Submissions received
LC Paper No. CB(2)1682/04-05(01)
(English version issued on 26.5.2005, Chinese version issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1715/04-05 on 30.5.2005)
| - | Submission from Mr Daniel R BRADSHAW
LC Paper No. CB(2)1814/04-05(01)
(issued on 4.6.2005)
| - | A letter dated 2 June 2005 from Mr Daniel R BRADSHAW providing further views on the Bill
LC Paper No. CB(2)1752/04-05(01) (issued on 1.6.2005)
| - | Submission from the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (Hong Kong) Limited
LC Paper No. CB(2)1752/04-05(02) (issued on 1.6.2005)
| - | An article entitled "The death of estate duty? The case for retention and reform" written by Professor Andrew HALKYARD and Mr Wilson CHOW and provided by Hon Margaret NG
LC Paper No. CB(2)1752/04-05(03) (English version issued on 1.6.2005, Chinese version issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1855/04-05 on 8.6.2005)
| - | Submission from the Law Society of Hong Kong
LC Paper No. CB(2)1789/04-05(01)
(issued on 3.6.2005)
| - | A letter dated 2 June 2005 from the above four trade associations, enclosing their joint submission to the Financial Secretary and their views in response to Hon TONG Ka-wah's comments on the abolition of estate duty
LC Paper No. CB(2)1789/04-05(02)
(issued on 3.6.2005)
| - | Speaking note of Mr Peter HUNG of The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong
LC Paper No. CB(2)1789/04-05(03)
(issued on 3.6.2005)
| - | Speaking note of Mr Anthony WU of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
LC Paper No. CB(2)1809/04-05(02)
(revised version issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1843/04-05 on 7.6.2005)
| - | Speaking note of Mr Dickson WONG of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce
LC Paper No. CB(2)1843/04-05(02)
(issued on 7.6.2005)
| - | Speaking note of Mr Kenneth TING of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries
LC Paper No. CB(2)1789/04-05(04)
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1843/04-05 on 7.6.2005)
| - | Submission from the Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association
LC Paper No. CB(2)1789/04-05(05)
(issued on 3.6.2005)
| - | Submission from The Hong Kong Shipowners Association Ltd.
LC Paper No. CB(2)1789/04-05(06)
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1807/04-05 on 3.6.2005)
| - | Submission from The Hong Kong Exporters' Association
LC Paper No. CB(2)1789/04-05(07)
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1844/04-05 on 7.6.2005)
| - | Submission from the Citigroup Private Bank
LC Paper No. CB(2)1789/04-05(08)
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1843/04-05 on 7.6.2005)
| - | Submission from the Morgan Stanley
LC Paper No. CB(2)1789/04-05(09)
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1886/04-05 on 10.6.2005)
| - | Submission from the UBS AG
LC Paper No. CB(2)1809/04-05(01)
(issued on 3.6.2005)
| - | Submission from The DTC Association
Administration's response to submissions
LC Paper No. CB(2)1817/04-05(01)
(English version issued on 4.6.2005, Chinese version to follow)
| - | Administration's response to the points raised in the submissions of Mr Daniel R BRADSHAW/The Hong Kong Shipowners Association Ltd.
LC Paper No. CB(2)1817/04-05(02)
(English version issued on 4.6.2005, Chinese version to follow)
| - | Administration's response to the points raised in the submission of The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (Hong Kong) Limited
LC Paper No. CB(2)1818/04-05(01)
(English version issued on 4.6.2005, Chinese version to follow)
| - | Administration's response to the points raised in the submissions of The Law Society of Hong Kong
LC Paper No. CB(2)1818/04-05(02)
(English version issued on 4.6.2005, Chinese version to follow)
| - | Administration's response to the points raised in the article entitled "The death of estate duty? The case for retention and reform" written by Professor Andrew HALKYARD and Mr Wilson CHOW
LC Paper No. CB(2)1682/04-05(02)
(Chinese version only)
(issued on 26.5.2005)
| - | Letter dated 25 May 2005 from Hon CHAN Kam-lam to the Administration
LC Paper No. CB(2)1843/04-05(01)
(issued on 7.6.2005)
| - | Three articles written by Hon TONG Ka-wah on the abolition of estate duty
LC Paper No. CB(2)1892/04-05(01)
(English version issued on 10.6.2005, Chinese version to follow)
| - | Summary of views expressed/suggestions made by organisations/individuals on the Bill prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
LC Paper No. CB(2)1941/04-05(01)
(English version only)
(issued on 14.6.2005)
| - | Research report entitled "An Alternative to Abolishing Estate Duty" written by Dr Stephen CHING, and provided by the School of Economics and Finance of the University of Hong Kong