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Year 2007 - 2008
Year 2006 - 2007
Year 2005 - 2006
Year 2004 - 2005
Legal education and training
Year 2007 - 2008
Year 2006 - 2007
Year 2005 - 2006
Background brief prepared by the LegCo Secretariat on "Establishment of a third law school"
[CB(2)1759/05-06(01)] (24 April 2006)
Brochure on the School of Law of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
(English version only) (24 April 2006)
Information paper prepared by the Chinese University of Hong Kong
[CB(2)1760/05-06(01)] (24 April 2006)
Year 2004 - 2005
Background brief prepared by the LegCo Secretariat on "Issues relating to legal education and training in Hong Kong"
[CB(2)1605/04-05(01)] (23 May 2005)
Letter dated 18 January 2005 from the Solicitor General explaining why the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2005 includes a proposal to provide for representatives of the proposed third law school to be included in the membership of the Standing Committee on Legal Education and Training
(English version only) [CB(2)714/04-05(01)] (24 January 2005)
Administration's paper on "Proposed establishment of a third law school"
[CB(2)714/04-05(02)] (23 May 2005 and 24 January 2005)
Paper provided by the Chinese University of Hong Kong on "The Law School of the Chinese University of Hong Kong"
[CB(2)1605/04-05(02)] (23 May 2005)
Paper provided by the Law Society of Hong Kong on "A Third Law School"
(English version only) [CB(2)1605/04-05(03)] (23 May 2005)
Paper provided by the University of Hong Kong on "A Third Law School"
(English version only) [CB(2)1664/04-05(01)] (23 May 2005)
The written response from the Secretariat of University Grants Committee on "Establishment of a third law school"
[CB(2)2625/04-05(01)] (23 May 2005)