Subcommittee on Race Discrimination (Formal Investigations) Rules, Race Discrimination (Investigation and Conciliation) Rules and Code of Practice on Employment under the Race Discrimination Ordinance


Members' concerns raised at meetings and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)1892/08-09(02) Administration's paper on "Funding support for activities to promote racial harmony and support services for ethnic minorities" 18 June 2009
CB(2)2015/08-09(01) Administration's response to issues raised at the meetings on 18 and 19 June 2009 in relation to the Code of Practice on Employment under the Race Discrimination Ordinance 22 June 2009
CB(2)1892/08-09(01) Letter dated 15 June 2009 from the Equal Opportunities Commission on "Chinese wording of the Race Discrimination (Investigation and Conciliation) Rules" 18 June 2009