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The LegCo Reporter
Issue No. 14 (4 March 2010)
At its meeting on 3 March 2010, the Legislative Council passed the following two resolutions:
moved by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury relating to the Inland Revenue (Disclosure of Information) Rules
moved by Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee relating to extension of the period for amending the Prisons (Amendment) Order 2010, Immigration (Places of Detention) (Amendment) Order 2010, Immigration (Treatment of Detainees) (Amendment) Order 2010 and Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Order 2010
At the same meeting, the Council passed the following motion not intended to have legislative effect:
Motion on
"Improving the living environment in old districts", moved by Hon Starry LEE Wai-king as amended by Hon James TO Kun-sun