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The LegCo Reporter
Issue No. 2 (21 October 2010)
At its meeting on 20 October 2010, the Legislative Council passed the following two resolutions:
moved by the Secretary for Food and Health relating to the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulation 2010 and the Poisons List (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulation 2010
moved by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury relating to the Inland Revenue (Double Taxation Relief and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income) (Brunei Darussalam) Order
At the same meeting, the Council passed the following two motions not intended to have legislative effect:
Motion on
"Improving personal data privacy protection", moved by Hon WONG Kwok-hing as amended by Hon WONG Ting-kwong and Hon CHAN Kin-por
Motion on
"Facing up to the transport needs of people with disabilities", moved by Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung as amended by Hon WONG Kwok-hing and Hon Paul CHAN Mo-po