Subcommittee on Import and Export (General) (Amendment) Regulation 2013


Members' concerns and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)785/12-13(01) Administration's response to issues raised by members at the Subcommittee meeting on 8 March 2013 14 March 2013
CB(2)810/12-13(01) Administration's response to issues raised by members at the Subcommittee meeting on 13 March 2013 14 March 2013
CB(2)818/12-13(01) Administration's response to issues raised by members at the Subcommittee meeting on 14 March 2013 and the letters dated 15 and 16 March 2013 respectively from Hon Tommy CHEUNG and Hon CHUNG Kwok-pan 19 March 2013
CB(2)865/12-13(01) Administration's response to issues raised by members at the Subcommittee meeting on 19 March 2013 25 March 2013
CB(2)881/12-13(01) Administration's response to issues raised by members at the Subcommittee meeting on 25 March 2013 28 March 2013
CB(2)903/12-13(01) Administration's response to issues raised by members at the Subcommittee meeting on 28 March 2013 6 April 2013
CB(2)916/12-13(01) Administration's response to issues raised by members at the Subcommittee meeting on 6 April 2013 9 April 2013
CB(2)993/12-13(01) Administration's response to issues raised in a letter dated 9 April 2013 from Hon James TO and information sought by Hon Vincent FANG at the meeting on 9 April 2013 17 April 2013*
CB(2)785/12-13(02) Administration's response to issues raised in the letter from Hon Vincent FANG 14 March 2013
CB(2)865/12-13(02) Administration's response to the letter dated 19 March 2013 from Hon James TO 25 March 2013
CB(2)881/12-13(02) Administration's response to the letter dated 25 March 2013 from Hon James TO 28 March 2013
CB(2)757/12-13(01) Letter dated 7 March 2013 from Hon Vincent FANG (Chinese version only) 8 March 2013
14 March 2013
CB(2)818/12-13(02) Letter dated 15 March 2013 from Hon Tommy CHEUNG (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)818/12-13(03) Letter dated 16 March 2013 from Hon CHUNG Kwok-pan (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)865/12-13(03) Letter dated 19 March 2013 from Hon James TO (Chinese version only) 25 March 2013
CB(2)869/12-13(01) Letter dated 22 March 2013 from the Administration regarding its response to press enquiries on 18 March 2013 25 March 2013
CB(2)872/12-13(02) Letter dated 25 March 2013 from Hon James TO (Chinese version only) 25 March 2013
28 March 2013
CB(2)947/12-13(01) Letter dated 9 April 2013 from Hon James TO (Chinese version only) 10 April 2013*
CB(2)945/12-13(01) List of milk powder products provided by Hon Vincent FANG who had requested the Administration to provide a written response regarding whether the respective products in the list are subject to regulation under the Import and Export (General) (Amendment) Regulation 2013 9 April 2013

* Issue date