I. | Confirmation of minutes of meeting and matters arising(10:00 am - 10:02 am) | ||
LC Paper No. CB(1)359/12-13 (issued on 28 December 2012) | - | Minutes of the meeting on 5 November 2012
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II. | Information paper issued since the last meeting | ||
LC Paper No. CB(1)274/12-13(01) (issued on 6 December 2012) | - | Letter dated 5 December 2012 from Hon TANG Ka-piu proposing discussion on a study of administrative costs in the Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund system (Chinese version only)
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LC Paper No. CB(1)310/12-13 (issued on 14 December 2012) | - | The Quarterly Report of the Securities and Futures Commission (July to September 2012)
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LC Paper No. CB(1)362/12-13(01) (issued on 2 January 2013) | - | Administration's information paper on the proposal of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited to introduce after-hours futures trading
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III. | Date of next meeting and items for discussion(10:02 am - 10:05 am) | ||
LC Paper No. CB(1)358/12-13(01) (issued on 3 January 2013) | - | List of outstanding items for discussion
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LC Paper No. CB(1)329/12-13(01) (issued on 17 December 2012) | - | Letter dated 11 December 2012 from Hon Kenneth LEUNG proposing discussion on policy issues relating to the regulation of financial advisers arising from the acquisition of the share capital of London Metal Exchange Holdings Limited by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (English version only)
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LC Paper No. CB(1)358/12-13(02) (issued on 3 January 2013) | - | List of follow-up actions
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*Legend symbol denoting Members of the Panel on Manpower are invited to join the discussion of agenda item IV.IV. | Briefing on the results of Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority's consultancy study on trustees' cost and reform directions to lower MPF fees(10:05 am - 10:50 am) | ||
LC Paper No. CB(1)358/12-13(03) (issued on 28 December 2012) | - | Administration's paper on "Results of the MPFA's Consultancy Study on Trustees' Administration Cost and Reform Directions to Lower MPF Fees Proposed by the MPFA "
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LC Paper No. CB(1)358/12-13(09) (issued on 28 December 2012) | - | Paper on "Results of the MPFA's Consultancy Study on Trustees' Administration Cost and Reform Directions to Lower MPF Fees Proposed by the MPFA" provided by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority
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LC Paper No. IN07/12-13 (issued on 3 January 2013) | - | Information note on "Overview of the Mandatory Provident Fund System" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
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**Legend symbol denoting Members of the Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services and all other Hon Members of the Legislative Council are invited to join the discussion of agenda item V relating to a legislative proposal.V. | Subsidiary legislation for implementation of the new Companies Ordinance(10:50 am - 11:40 am) | ||
LC Paper No. CB(1)358/12-13(04) (issued on 28 December 2012) | - | Administration's paper on "Subsidiary Legislation for Implementation of the New Companies Ordinance"
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LC Paper No. CB(1)358/12-13(05) (issued on 3 January 2013) | - | Background brief on subsidiary legislation for implementation of the new Companies Ordinance prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
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#Legend symbol denoting Non-Panel members are invited to join the discussion of agenda items VI and VII which are related to staffing and financial proposals respectively.VI. | Proposed retention of supernumerary directorate posts to deal with matters concerning companies- and bankruptcy-related legislation(11:40 am - 12:10 pm) | ||
LC Paper No. CB(1)358/12-13(06) (issued on 28 December 2012) | - | Administration's paper on "Retention of two Supernumerary Directorate Posts for Implementation of the New Companies Ordinance and Review of the Abscondee Regime under the Bankruptcy Ordinance"
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#Legend symbol denoting Non-Panel members are invited to join the discussion of agenda items VI and VII which are related to staffing and financial proposals respectively.VII. | The 10th Replenishment of the Asian Development Fund(12:10 pm - 12:40 pm) | ||
LC Paper No. CB(1)358/12-13(07) (issued on 28 December 2012) | - | Administration's paper on "Asian Development Bank - Hong Kong's Contribution to the 10th Replenishment of the Asian Development Fund"
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LC Paper No. CB(1)358/12-13(08) (issued on 3 January 2013) | - | Background brief on Hong Kong's contribution to the 10th replenishment of the Asian Development Fund prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
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VIII. | Any other business(12:40 pm - 12:45 pm) |