Public Accounts Committee

Programme for the Public Hearing on
the Director of Audit's Report No. 61

(As at 2 December 2013)

2 December 2013 (Monday)
Venue : Conference Room 2

Witness Chapter Subject Time
Mr Paul CHAN Mo-po
Secretary for Development

Mr Thomas CHAN
Deputy Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands)
Development Bureau

Ms Bernadette LINN
Director of Lands

Ms Trevina KUNG
Chief Estate Surveyor (Estate Management)
Lands Department

Mr WONG Kam-sing
Secretary for the Environment

Ms Anissa WONG Sean-yee
Director of Environmental Protection

Mr David WONG Tak-wai
Assistant Director (Environmental Compliance Division)

Mr YAU Shing-mu
Acting Secretary for Transport and Housing

Ms Ivy LAW Chui-mei
Deputy Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)3

Mrs Ingrid YEUNG HO Poi-yan
Commissioner for Transport

Mr David TO Kam-biu
Deputy Commissioner for Transport/Planning and Technical Services
Transport Department

Mr LO Wai-chung
Acting Commissioner of Police

Mr PANG Shu-hung
Acting Chief Superintendent of Traffic Branch Headquarters
Hong Kong Police Force
2 Management of roadside skips 2:30 pm – 6:30 pm