Subcommittee to Follow Up Issues Relating to the Three-runway System at the Hong Kong International Airport


Papers issued before the formation of the Subcommittee

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
THB(T) CR 3/930/08 Legislative Council Brief: Hong Kong International Airport - Master Plan 2030 20 March 2012*
THB(T) CR 2/582/08 Legislative Council Brief: Hong Kong International Airport - Three-runway system 20 March 2015*
CB(4)991/14-15 Proposal for the appointment of a subcommittee under the House Committee to follow up issues relating to the three-runway system at the Hong Kong International Airport 15 May 2015*
THB(T) CR 2/582/08 Legislative Council Brief: Three-runway system - Airport Construction Fee 29 September 2015*
CB(4)1505/14-15(01) Background brief on issues relating to the development of the three-runway system at the Hong Kong International Airport 16 October 2015

* Issue date