Subcommittee to Study Issues Relating to Mainland-HKSAR Families



LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)292/15-16(01) Letter dated 23 October 2015 from Hon TANG Ka-piu (Chinese version only) 23 November 2015
CB(2)333/15-16(01) Letter dated 23 November 2015 from Hon TANG Ka-piu requesting the Subcommittee to discuss the ways and criteria for handling special cases under the One Way Permit System (Chinese version only) 23 November 2015
CB(2)337/15-16(01) Referral memorandum from the Public Complaints Office of the Legislative Council Secretariat on the policy of issuing One Way Permit to Mainland single mothers (Chinese version only) (Circulated to members only) 24 November 2015*
CB(2)1001/15-16(01) Referral memorandum from the Public Complaints Office of the Legislative Council Secretariat on the policy of issuing One Way Permit to Mainland "overage children" of Hong Kong residents (Chinese version only) (Circulated to members only) 2 March 2016*
CB(2)1358/15-16(01) Letter dated 19 April 2016 from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki regarding the issues on the vetting and approval authority of One Way Permit applications (Chinese version only) 22 April 2016*
• Administration's response to the issues raised by Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki as set out in LC Paper No. CB(2)1358/15-16(01)
13 May 2016*

* Issue date