Subcommittee on Proposals on
the Method for Selecting the Chief Executive in 2017

Meeting on 16 May 2015

Submissions from deputations/individuals
(as at 9 June 2015)

Submissions from deputations/individuals attending the meeting

Session One (9:00 am - 11:00 am)

  Name of deputation/individual Submission Date of issue
1.Love China Hong Kong Alliance of Youth Cultural Societies LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(01) 14 May 2015
2.The Association of Experts for Modernization LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(02) 14 May 2015
3.Hong Kong Specialist Care Foundation Ltd LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(03) 14 May 2015
4.Mr KONG Kwok-ping LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(04) 14 May 2015
5.Mr CHAN Shui-on LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(05) 14 May 2015
6.Mr YEUNG Tung LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(06) 14 May 2015
7.Mr TSUI King-sing LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(07) 14 May 2015
8.Mr WONG Chin-hang LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(08) 14 May 2015
9.Miss CHAN Wing-ki LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(09) 14 May 2015
10.Mr WONG Kwong-ming LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(10) 14 May 2015
11.The Association of Chinese Culture of HK LC Paper No. CB(2)1499/14-15(01) 15 May 2015
12.Mr FANG Wei-qi LC Paper No. CB(2)1499/14-15(02) 15 May 2015
13.The Association of Zhuangzi Culture & Research of Hong Kong LC Paper No. CB(2)1499/14-15(03) 15 May 2015
14.Mr Edwin YEUNG Chi-wai LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(11) 28 May 2015
15.Federation of Hong Kong Industries LC Paper No. CB(2)1567/14-15(01) 28 May 2015
16.Chinese Academy of Governance (Hong Kong) Industrial and Commercial Professionals Alumni Association Ltd LC Paper No. CB(2)1567/14-15(02) 28 May 2015
17.Mr CHUNG Fong-chin LC Paper No. CB(2)1567/14-15(03) 28 May 2015
18.Mr Tommy TAM Kwong-shun LC Paper No. CB(2)1567/14-15(04) 28 May 2015
19.Love China Hong Kong Alliance of Youth Cultural Societies LC Paper No. CB(2)1666/14-15(01) 9 June 2015

Session Two (11:00 am - 1:00 pm)

  Name of deputation/individual Submission Date of issue
20.The Citizen Athletic Association LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(12) 14 May 2015
21.Mr LUK Luen-fun LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(13) 14 May 2015
22.Mr Felix SO Man-yuk LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(14) 14 May 2015
23.Mr LAM Chun LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(15) 14 May 2015
24.Mr Alan LUNG Ka-lun LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(17) 14 May 2015
25.Hong Kong Starfire Network Association LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(18) 14 May 2015
26.Wanchai and Central & Western District Industries and Commerce Association LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(19) 14 May 2015
27.Mr NG Kam-hung LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(20) 14 May 2015
28.The Overseas Indonesia Chinese of Guangxi United Reliance Club Association (HK) LC Paper No. CB(2)1499/14-15(04) 15 May 2015
29.The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce LC Paper No. CB(2)1499/14-15(05) 15 May 2015
30.Miss Cynthia KWOK LC Paper No. CB(2)1499/14-15(06) 15 May 2015
31.Mr HOR Wing-kit LC Paper No. CB(2)1499/14-15(07) 15 May 2015
32.Mr Alan LUNG Ka-lun LC Paper No. CB(2)1567/14-15(05) 28 May 2015
33.Mr FONG Sung-yau LC Paper No. CB(2)1567/14-15(06) 28 May 2015
34.Mr Fanko WAN Cho-keung LC Paper No. CB(2)1567/14-15(07) 28 May 2015
35.Wing Lung Art LC Paper No. CB(2)1567/14-15(12) 28 May 2015

Session Three (2:00 pm - 4:00 pm)

  Name of deputation/individual Submission Date of issue
36.Hong Kong Commerce and Industry Associations LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(21) 14 May 2015
37.Mr Dennis TONG Tak-kit LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(22) 14 May 2015
38.Hong Kong Book & Stationery Industry Association Co Ltd LC Paper No. CB(2)1499/14-15(08) 15 May 2015
39.The Federation of Hong Kong Trade Unions in Tourism LC Paper No. CB(2)1499/14-15(09) 15 May 2015
40.Mr YEUNG Hiu-tung LC Paper No. CB(2)1499/14-15(10) 15 May 2015
41.Mr YU Chun-ning LC Paper No. CB(2)1499/14-15(11) 15 May 2015
42.Partido Liberal Democats Hong Kong LC Paper No. CB(2)1567/14-15(08) 28 May 2015
43.Mei Foo Home and Public Affairs LC Paper No. CB(2)1567/14-15(09) 28 May 2015

Submissions from deputations/individuals not attending the meeting

  Name of deputation/individual Submission Date of issue
1. Miss LUK Kam-shing LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(16) 14 May 2015
2. 陳杰 LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(23) 14 May 2015
3. Lau Hung LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(24) 14 May 2015
4. 馮國佑 LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(25) 14 May 2015
5. Tuen Mun District Council LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(26) 14 May 2015
6. Hong Kong Retail Management Association LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(27) 14 May 2015
7. Golden Bauhinia Women Entrepreneur Association LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(28) 14 May 2015
8. 唐因 LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(29) 14 May 2015
9. Herman HU LC Paper No. CB(2)1471/14-15(30) 14 May 2015
10.The Federation of Alumni Associations of Chinese Colleges and Universities in Hong Kong LC Paper No. CB(2)1499/14-15(12) 15 May 2015
11.Mr YEUNG Wai-sing, member of Eastern District Council LC Paper No. CB(2)1567/14-15(10) 28 May 2015
12.The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions LC Paper No. CB(2)1567/14-15(11) 28 May 2015
13.Hong Kong Association of China Business LC Paper No. CB(2)1666/14-15(02) 9 June 2015