Subcommittee to Study the Proposed Subsidiary Legislation on the Procedures to be Adopted by the Competition Tribunal


Administration's papers

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)632/14-15(01) Judiciary Administration's paper entitled "Brief on the Proposed Competition Tribunal Rules and other Related Rules" 17 March 2015
9 April 2015
14 April 2015
CB(4)632/14-15(03) Judiciary Administration's paper entitled "Broad Comparison of the Key Procedures of the Competition Tribunal, the Lands Tribunal and the Small Claims Tribunal" 17 March 2015
9 April 2015
14 April 2015
CB(4)720/14-15(01) Judiciary Administration's paper entitled "Comments of the Legal Professional Bodies on the Draft Rules for the Competition Tribunal and the Judiciary's Responses" (English version only) 9 April 2015
14 April 2015
CB(4)632/14-15(02) Judiciary Administration's paper entitled "Comparison of the Key Differences in the Procedures of the Competition Tribunal and the Court of First Instance" 17 March 2015
9 April 2015
14 April 2015
CB(4)720/14-15(02) Judiciary Administration's paper entitled "Possible Further Streamlining of Procedures for bringing Follow-On Actions to the Competition Tribunal" 9 April 2015
14 April 2015
CB(4)632/14-15(04) Judiciary Administration's paper entitled "Rules and Procedures Applicable to the Competition-related Courts in Selected Common Law Jurisdictions" 17 March 2015
9 April 2015
14 April 2015
Annex B to CB(4)493/14-15(03) Marked-up of the proposed amendments to the Rules of the High Court (Cap. 4 sub. leg. A) 17 March 2015
9 April 2015
14 April 2015