Public Accounts Committee

Programme for the Public Hearing on
the Director of Audit's Report No. 63

(As at 3 December 2014)

16 December 2014 (Tuesday)
Venue : Conference Room 3

Witness Chapter Subject Time
Dr KO Wing-man
Secretary for Food and Health

Mr Richard YUEN
Permanent Secretary for Food and Health (Health)

Dr Constance CHAN Hon-yee
Director of Health

Dr Teresa LI Mun-pik
Assistant Director of Health (Family and Elderly Health Services)
Department of Health

Dr Ruby LEE Siu-yin
Consultant Family Medicine (Elderly Health Service)
Department of Health

Dr LEUNG Pak-yin
Chief Executive of Hospital Authority

Dr Alexander CHIU
Chief Manager (Integrated Care Programs)
Hospital Authority
2 Provision of health services for the elderly 8:30 am - 12:30 pm