Panel on Home Affairs

Special meeting on Saturday, 24 January 2015, from 9:00 am to 12:45 pm
in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex

Revised agenda
(as at 22.1.2015)

*Legend symbol denoting All other Legislative Council Members are invited to attend the meeting in connection with this item which involves a legislative proposal.I.

Review of the Building Management Ordinance

(9:00 am - 12:40 pm)

Meeting with deputations and the Administration

Consultation document on "Review of the Building Management Ordinance" issued by the Home Affairs Department on 11 November 2014

LC Paper No. CB(2)662/14-15(01)
(issued on 16.1.2015)

-Paper provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)662/14-15(02)

-Background brief prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

Deputations/individuals attending the meeting

Session One (9:00 am - 10:45 am)

1. Ms Amy YUNG Wing-sheung, Islands District Council member
LC Paper No. CB(2)689/14-15(01)

2. Kwun Tong District Council - Housing Committee

3. The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies

4. The Hong Kong Institute of Housing
LC Paper No. CB(2)689/14-15(02) (Chinese version only)

5. Mr CHAN Sze-ching, Yuen Long District Council member

6. Mr NGAN Man-yu, Kwun Tong District Council member

7. Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong

8. The Property Owners Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

9. New Territories Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

10. Hong Kong Island Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

11. Grandway Garden Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

12. Block A Garden Vista Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

13. Block B Garden Vista Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

14. Block C Garden Vista Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

15. Block B Kingswood Villas Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

16. Block C Kingswood Villas Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

17. Block D Kingswood Villas Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

18. Block A Grand View Garden Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

19. Block B Grand View Garden Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

20. Block C Grand View Garden Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

21. Chevalier Garden Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

22. Beverley Heights Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

23. Well On Garden Anti-Bid Rigging Alliance

24. Management Committee, The Incorporated Owners of Grenville House

25. Labour Party

26. Mr WU Kin-wa
LC Paper No. CB(2)662/14-15(03) (Chinese version only)
(issued on 16.1.2015)

Break (10:45 am - 10:55 am)

Session Two (10:55 am - 12:40 pm)

27. Mr LEE Yuet-man, Yuen Long District Council member
LC Paper No. CB(2)689/14-15(03) (Chinese version only)

28. 344關注小組
LC Paper No. CB(2)689/14-15(04) (Chinese version only)

29. The Federation of Hong Kong Property Management Industry Limited
LC Paper No. CB(2)662/14-15(04) (Chinese version only)
(issued on 16.1.2015)

30. Tsui Lok Sunshine Residents Association
LC Paper No. CB(2)689/14-15(05) (Chinese version only)

31. Civil Force

32. Tin Ping Estate Owners' Corporation
LC Paper No. CB(2)689/14-15(06) (Chinese version only)

33. Sun Pei Community Dynamics
LC Paper No. CB(2)689/14-15(07) (Chinese version only)

34. Mr LAW Sai-yan, North District Council member
LC Paper No. CB(2)689/14-15(08) (Chinese version only)

35. Owners' Committee of Noble Hill
LC Paper No. CB(2)689/14-15(09) (Chinese version only)

36. Liberal Party

37. Liberal Party Youth Committee

38. Castle Road Concern Group

39. Mr Ronald HO

40. Liberal Party Southern District Office

41. Mr Timothy CHUI

42. Civic Party

43. Young Civics

44. Mr CHING Kwan-hung

45. 關注顯徑業戶大聯盟
LC Paper No. CB(2)689/14-15(10) (Chinese version only)

46. Yuen Long District Council - Culture, Recreation, Community Service and Housing Committee

47. Concerning Old Building Facilities Group
LC Paper No. CB(2)689/14-15(11) (Chinese version only)

48. Miss Christine FONG Kwok-shan, Sai Kung District Council member

49. Tseung Kwan O Estate Committees Union

50. AU YEUNG Ho-kwan

51. The Incorporated Owners of Choi Ming Court

52. MTR Property Owners' Association

Written submission from organizations/individual not attending the meeting

1. Joint submission from Mr LEE Yuet-man, Yuen Long District Council member, Lynwood Court Estate Owners' Committee, Maywood Court Estate Owners' Committee and Kenswood Court Estate Owners' Committee
LC Paper No. CB(2)689/14-15(03) (Chinese version only)


Any other business

(12:40 pm - 12:45 pm)

* All other Legislative Council Members are invited to attend the meeting in connection with this item which involves a legislative proposal.

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
22 January 2015