Panel on Health Services

Meeting on Monday, 17 November 2014, at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room 3 of the Legislative Council Complex

Revised agenda
(as at 14 November 2014)


Information paper(s) issued since the last meeting

(4:30 pm - 4:32 pm)



Items for discussion at the next meeting

(4:32 pm - 4:35 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)242/14-15(01)
(English version - issued on 11 November 2014; Chinese version - issued on 12 November 2014)

-List of outstanding items for discussion

LC Paper No. CB(2)242/14-15(02)
(issued on 11 November 2014)

-List of follow-up actions

*Legend symbol denoting All other Hon Members of the Legislative Council are invited to join the discussion of this itemIII.

Measures for the prevention and control of Ebola virus disease and dengue fever

(4:35 pm - 5:20 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)242/14-15(03)
(issued on 12 November 2014)

-Paper entitled "Measures for the prevention and control of Ebola virus disease" provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)242/14-15(04)
(issued on 14 November 2014)

-Paper entitled "Measures for the prevention and control of dengue fever" provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)242/14-15(05)
(issued on 14 November 2014)

-Background brief on the prevention and control measures against Ebola virus disease prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

LC Paper No. CB(2)242/14-15(06)
(issued on 14 November 2014)

-Information note on dengue fever situation in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

*Legend symbol denoting All other Hon Members of the Legislative Council are invited to join the discussion of this itemIV.

Expansion of Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service Headquarters

(5:20 pm - 5:45 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)242/14-15(07)
(issued on 11 November 2014)

-Paper provided by the Administration


Quality management of pathology reports in the Hospital Authority

(5:45 pm - 6:25 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)242/14-15(08)
(English version - issued on 11 November 2014; Chinese version - issued on 12 November 2014)

-Paper provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)242/14-15(09)
(issued on 11 November 2014)

-Information note prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat


Any other business

(6:25 pm - 6:30 pm)

* All other Hon Members of the Legislative Council are invited to join the discussion of this item

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
14 November 2014