Panel on Health Services

Special meeting on Monday, 24 August 2015, at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex


*Legend symbol denoting All other Hon Members of the Legislative Council are invited to join the discussion of this itemI.

Public health measures for the lead in drinking water incidents

(4:30 pm - 6:25 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)2038/14-15(01)
(English version - issued on 24 August 2015; Chinese version - issued on 21 August 2015)

-Paper provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)2038/14-15(02)
(issued on 21 August 2015)

-Background brief prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat


Any other business

(6:25 pm - 6:30 pm)

* All other Hon Members of the Legislative Council are invited to join the discussion of this item

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
21 August 2015