A 15/16-8
(1) | whether the authorities have estimated the quantity of food suitable for human consumption discarded by various commercial organizations in the past three years; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; of the means through which the authorities encourage commercial organizations to donate surplus or soon-to-expire food;
(2) | given that in recent months, the French Government enacted legislation to prohibit supermarkets from discarding unsold food products, whether the authorities will consider enacting similar legislation; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | whether the authorities will consider enacting legislation with exemption clauses for food donors, just as the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act passed by the United States Congress in 1996, which will not only make commercial organizations feel at ease to donate food but also encourage more organizations to donate food, thereby reducing food waste; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the progress of the authorities' initiatives in safeguarding and promoting ICH in the past five years; the ICH items which have high cultural value and require urgent preservation, and the more noticeable results achieved by the authorities in safeguarding such items;
(2) | of the manpower resources allocated by the authorities for promoting ICH in the past five years and the expenditure incurred, and among such expenditure, of the amount of expenditure incurred in subsidizing community groups to undertake relevant projects; whether the authorities have plans to expand their collaboration with community groups in the coming five years to proceed with the work to secure the transmission of ICH; if they have such plans, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | whether the authorities will consider setting up a dedicated fund for the purpose of enhancing and strengthening the work on the promotion and transmission of ICH; if they will, of the objectives and the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it has compiled statistics on the number of cases since 2011 in which CSSA recipients' assets exceeded the asset limits under the CSSA Scheme as a result of their saving the relief monies; if it has, of the number; among these cases, of the number of cases in which CSSA payments were stopped, and the percentage of the number in the total number of cases in the same period in which CSSA payments were stopped;
(2) | whether it will consider making special arrangements for the elderly person mentioned in the aforesaid report as well as other elderly persons whose CSSA payments were stopped for the same reason, to resume disbursement of CSSA payments to them; if it will not, of the reasons for that; and
(3) | given that the grant of the relief monies by the Government is meant to alleviate the hardship of CSSA recipients, but this has resulted in the thriftier recipients being penalized by stoppage of CSSA payments, whether the Government will consider extending the exemption period for counting relief monies as assets of CSSA recipients, or even granting a permanent exemption; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; whether the Government has plans to raise the relevant asset limits to avoid the occurrence of similar situations? |
(1) | whether it has plans to expand the establishment of the Audit Commission so as to allow it to carry out more value-for-money audits; if it does, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it will allocate additional resources to The Legislative Council Commission so that PAC can conduct more public hearings and take evidence in greater depth, in order to enhance the monitoring of the proper use of public funds by the Government and related organizations; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | whether the Audit Commission has drawn up indicators for the effectiveness of its value-for-money audits with a view to further improving its work performance; if the Audit Commission has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether the authorities will enhance the training for police officers on the skills of and knowledge in handling sexual offence cases, and consider referring sexual offence cases involving adult victims to a dedicated investigation team, with reference to the handling of the cases of sexual abuse of children;
(2) | given that section 154 of the Crimes Ordinance provides that except with the leave of the judge, no evidence and no question in cross-examination shall be adduced or asked at the trial, by or on behalf of any defendant at the trial, about any sexual experience of a complainant with a person other than that defendant, whether the authorities will draw up detailed guidelines to state clearly the circumstances under which the judge may grant such leave; whether the authorities will extend the definition of "witness in fear" in the Criminal Procedure Ordinance to cover all victims in sexual offence cases so that live television link is provided for them on a mandatory basis in giving evidence; whether the authorities will consider amending the relevant legislation to stipulate that in order to protect the privacy of victims in sexual offence cases, the court must shield such victims behind screens when they give evidence and provide special passageways for them to enter and leave the court; and
(3) | given that the consultation paper on Rape and Other Non-consensual Sexual Offences published by the Law Reform Commission in 2012 recommended that any reform of the substantive law on sexual offences should be guided by a set of guiding principles, including gender neutrality and avoidance of distinctions based on sexual orientation, whether the authorities have plans to carry out reforms on the laws on sexual offences based on those guiding principles; if they do, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
Public Officer to reply | : | Solicitor General
(in the absence of the Secretary for Justice) |
(1) | whether it has assessed, in the coming five years, the total floor area that can be provided by the industrial estates managed by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation ("HKSTPC") for the development of high-tier data centres, and the total floor area that such data centres may need; whether it has formulated measures to attract multinational enterprises to locate their high-tier data centres in Hong Kong so as to promote the development of digital economy in Hong Kong; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | of the measures currently taken by HKSTPC to increase the land for accommodating the production facilities of high-end manufacturing industries; whether the Government has plans to allocate additional land to HKSTPC for the development of the Hong Kong Science Park Phase 4 and reserve part of the land for such use, so as to promote the development of high value-added industries in Hong Kong, encourage investment in innovation, information and communication technology industries, and create jobs; if it has such plans, of the details; and
(3) | of the authorities' measures to promote "re-industrialization" in Hong Kong, including how to attract and support high-end manufacturing industries to locate their production facilities in Hong Kong, as well as the objectives, implementation schedule and details of such measures? |
(1) | whether it knows the total number of complaints about multiple applications for subscriptions for IPO shares received by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("SEHK") in the past five years, the follow-up actions and the outcome, including the number of multiple applications rejected;
(2) | whether it knows if SEHK has plans to amend the Listing Rules to stipulate that intermediaries should furnish, for facilitating identification of multiple applications, the full personal data of their clients when applying for subscription for IPO shares on their behalf; if SEHK has such plans, of the details; if SEHK has no such plans, of the authorities' measures to ensure that intermediaries will adopt a consistent practice in furnishing their clients' personal data, and that the parties involved in the issue can easily identify multiple applications; and
(3) | given that some members from the finance industry have pointed out that it is not against the law for investors to make multiple applications for subscriptions for IPO shares and they therefore will not incur legal liability, whether the Government knows if SEHK will consider putting such investors on a central blacklist to prohibit them from applying for subscriptions for IPO shares in future; if SEHK will consider, of the details; if SEHK will not consider, SEHK's measures to step up efforts to combat the making of multiple applications for subscriptions for IPO shares, so as to ensure the fair operation of the securities market? |
(1) | whether it will step up its efforts in publicizing the details of the Collection Programme, including the locations at which the Coin Carts station and their service hours, so as to enable more members of the public to use this service; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | of the approaches adopted by HKMA for handling the coins collected;
(3) | whether it has plans to enhance the coin collection service to meet the demand of members of the public and small business operators; if it does, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(4) | given that the two-year Collection Programme will end in September next year, what factors HKMA will consider in deciding whether it will provide the service on a long-term basis? |
(1) | given that under the existing "Service Performance Arrangement", MTRCL is required to notify the Transport Department of and submit reports on any railway service disruption which has lasted, or is expected to last, for eight minutes or more, and pay a fine for any service disruption of 31 minutes or more, but such arrangements are not precautionary measures, of the standing measures taken by the Government to ensure that the incidence of service disruption has been minimized;
(2) | given that the authorities indicated in June this year that after obtaining funding for the creation of new posts in the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, the Department would enhance the monitoring of MTRCL's train service to cover the proactive inspection of its railway system, the examination of MTRCL's work procedures and safety management system as well as the enhancement of the transparency of MTRCL's operation in addition to the purposeful investigations regularly conducted after the occurrence of railway incidents and their follow-up, of the relevant manpower arrangements and work plans; and
(3) | given that among the incumbent members of the Board of Directors of MTRCL, four of them are government officials, whether the Government will consider instructing those officials to make public the views they expressed at the Board meetings after each meeting, so that the public would have a better understanding of the role of the government officials in such meetings? |
(1) | given that in reply to a question raised last month by a Member of this Council, the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development said that in the past two years, the Government had continued its discussion with the tourism trade on the detailed arrangements in relation to the aforesaid legislative proposals and on TIC's future role, and it had to make appropriate amendments to the original regulatory proposals having regard to the trade's views, of such views put forward by the trade to the Government, and the Government's plans for amending the regulatory proposals and the justifications thereof;
(2) | given that the Government put forward the regulatory proposals in 2011 after conducting a ten-week public consultation exercise, and that it had subsequently consulted Members of this Council on the proposals, why the Government has planned to amend the regulatory proposals without making any announcement nor consultation with Members of this Council;
(3) | whether it knows the situations since the implementation of the 10 measures introduced by TIC in February 2011 for improving the operation of mainland inbound tours, including the number of inspections conducted each month, as well as the respective numbers of travel agents, tourist guides and shops penalized; if such information is not available, of the reasons for that;
(4) | how the Government has monitored the implementation of the six measures recently introduced for strengthening the regulation of mainland inbound tours, and whether it will regularly review the effectiveness of such measures; given that incidents relating to unscrupulous practices of the tourism trade still occur one after another despite new regulatory measures have been introduced incessantly by TIC in recent years, whether the Government will expedite the implementation of the regulatory proposals; and
(5) | in light of the current work progress, of the Government's expected dates of (i) completing the drafting work of the aforesaid bill, (ii) submitting the bill to this Council for scrutiny, and (iii) TIA's establishment and coming into full operation for carrying out its duties; if no specific timetable is available, of the reasons for that? |
(1) | given that apart from undergoing sports training, quite a number of AWDs have to work and receive rehabilitation treatments, of the policies formulated by the authorities to support and train such athletes;
(2) | whether the authorities have put in place policies to encourage AWDs to participate in international sports events held locally or overseas, including whether commendations are given to AWDs who have outstanding performance; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | whether the authorities have reviewed if the sports training and employment support currently provided to AWDs are sufficient; if they have reviewed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | why HyD, in vetting and approving the applications for the aforesaid some 300 XPs, had not asked TraxComm to produce a Block Licence issued by LandsD;
(2) | whether HyD and LandsD have put in place a communication mechanism in respect of the vetting and approval of XP applications to ensure that XPs will be issued only when relevant requirements are satisfied; if they have, why the aforesaid case occurred; and
(3) | how the authorities will handle the aforesaid case, including whether they will take over the optical fibre telecommunication systems concerned or request the company to remove such systems, and whether they will institute prosecutions against the company? |
(1) | whether they know if non-governmental organizations ("NGOs") arrange basic training for newly-recruited and existing staff members providing PWID services to enable them to understand the needs of PWIDs and acquire the skills for getting along and communicating with such persons; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether, in the past three years, the authorities reviewed the demand for PWID services and, in the light of the outcome of the review, allocated additional resources and manpower for service improvement;
(3) | of the standards based on which the authorities monitor the quality of PWID services operated by NGOs; and
(4) | whether they have, in the light of the aforesaid incidents, requested NGOs to further remind their frontline staff who provide PWID services that they must strictly adhere to professional ethics; how the authorities avoid the recurrence of incidents of the same type? |
(1) | how the authorities may, under the existing legislation, hold local education institutions (e.g. those institutions which have assisted their students in making forged documents to fast-track those students' being awarded non-local degrees) which have contravened regulations responsible and penalize them;
(2) | whether it knows how the institutions funded by the University Grants Committee ("UGC") ("UGC-funded institutions") penalize those teaching staff members who have tendered false information on their academic qualifications or have obtained their academic qualifications through improper means;
(3) | given that LU is one of the UGC-funded institutions, how the authorities will follow up the aforesaid incidents and hold it responsible;
(4) | whether the authorities will step up the monitoring of LU; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(5) | whether it has assessed if the aforesaid incidents will impact on the image, ranking and student intake of LU, as well as the funding provided to it by UGC; if it has assessed and the outcome is in the affirmative, of the details; if the assessment outcome is in the negative, the reasons for that;
(6) | whether the authorities and the various UGC-funded institutions thoroughly checked the background of the members of the supreme governing bodies (generally known as "the Council") of these institutions (including the Council member of LU involved in the aforesaid incident) in the past five years; if they did, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(7) | whether it knows if the various UGC-funded institutions require their Council members (including the Council member of LU involved in the aforesaid incident) to declare interests when handling matters relating to the appointment of teaching staff; if they do, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(8) | whether it will review if there is any inadequacy or loophole in the existing system for the appointment/election of the Council members of the various UGC-funded institutions; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(9) | whether it has looked into the reasons why the 13 NLPs of Lifelong College have been allowed to register with NCR, but the College has not applied to HKCAAVQ for accreditation of such programmes; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(10) | of the total number of programmes offered by Lifelong College which have been allowed to register with NCR since the establishment of the College;
(11) | whether it knows the total number of programmes for which Lifelong College has applied to HKCAAVQ for accreditation since the establishment of the College; among such programmes, of the respective numbers of those which have been accredited and acquired a recognized status equal to that of accredited local programmes, as well as those which have failed to be accredited;
(12) | whether EDB will proactively deploy staff to conduct a comprehensive investigation in the office of Lifelong College, so as to expedite the completion of the investigation; if EDB will, when EDB will do so;
(13) | whether it has compiled statistics on the current number of education or commercial institutions in Hong Kong that are similar to Lifelong College and offer NLPs; if it has, of the details (including the background of the operating institutions and the responsible persons) of such programmes; if not, the reasons for that;
(14) | whether it has examined how the standards of Lifelong College's NLPs co-organized by HKMA and HKFTU compare to those of accredited local programmes; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(15) | whether it has compiled statistics on the current number of NLPs in the territory which are allowed to register with NCR but have not been accredited by HKCAAVQ; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(16) | whether the authorities have regularly examined if the standards of the local programmes and NLPs offered by private universities, education or commercial institutions are comparable to those of accredited local programmes; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(17) | regarding the teaching staff members of UGC-funded institutions who have been awarded non-local degrees after completing NLPs, whether it has followed up if these people have obtained their academic qualifications through improper means; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(18) | whether it knows if HKCAAVQ will review the existing accreditation criteria for NLPs in the light of the aforesaid incidents; if HKCAAVQ will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(19) | whether it will review the existing registration procedures for NLPs; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(20) | whether it will review the Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (Cap. 493), with a view to imposing more stringent regulation on NLPs and the relevant institutions; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(21) | whether it has compiled statistics on the current number of civil servants and employees of subvented organizations who have been awarded non-local degrees after completing the NLPs offered by Lifelong College; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(22) | whether it has assessed if the aforesaid incidents have led to a loss of confidence by the public in the capability and the standard of EDB and relevant organizations in monitoring NLPs; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(23) | whether it has assessed if the aforesaid incidents will undermine the confidence of mainland and overseas students in furthering their studies in Hong Kong and dampen their incentive to do so; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it knows the respective numbers of student-workers enrolled in and withdrew from the following programmes under the Pilot Scheme in the school years of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 (up to 30 November this year) (set out in the table below), and the general reasons for student-workers' dropping out;
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(i) | Diploma of Vocational Education ("DVE") programme for electrical and mechanical services trades as well as the construction industry,
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(ii) | Higher Diploma programme for electrical and mechanical services trades as well as the construction industry,
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(iii) | Higher Diploma programme for the retail industry,
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(iv) | "Foundation Diploma (Level 3) – Retail" programme,
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(v) | Higher Diploma in Testing and Certification programme,
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(vi) | DVE programme for the automobile industry,
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(vii) | DVE programme for electrical and mechanical services trades (construction),
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(viii) | DVE programme for the printing industry, and
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(ix) | DVE programme for the clock and watch industry;
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(2) | whether it knows when the first cohort of student-workers under the Pilot Scheme for Retail Industry will graduate; and
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(3) | whether it will conduct tracking studies on the employment situation of the student-workers graduated from programmes under the Pilot Scheme (such as surveying if the student-workers are still engaged in the industries concerned three months, one year, two years and three years after graduation, as well as the changes in their employment situation); if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | as some parents have indicated that they have difficulties in choosing suitable schools for their children because school profiles are available in Chinese only and contain no information on the support provided by such schools for non-Chinese speaking ("NCS") students, the public examinations that such type of students may sit for after completing the courses, the ratio of Chinese speaking students to NCS students in school, etc., whether the authorities will urge schools to provide parents with such information so as to assist them in choosing schools;
(2) | whether it has any plan to urge all schools across the territory to admit EM students and include such arrangement into the schools' teaching programmes;
(3) | whether it has compiled a recommended textbook list in respect of the primary and secondary school Chinese curriculum for EM students; if it has not, whether it will do so; if it will, when it will do so; if not, of the reasons for that;
(4) | as some parents have criticized that the after-school extended Chinese learning programmes ("tutorial classes") provided by schools vary in quality and that the relevant arrangements lack transparency, whether the Government has monitored the quality and arrangements of such tutorial classes; if it has, how they have monitored the classes; if not, of the reasons for that;
(5) | as some parents have criticized that the duties of teaching assistants ("TAs") are indistinct and TAs are not respected by teachers, but the Chinese tutorial classes are often taught by TAs, whether the Government will delineate the duties of TAs and explain their duties clearly to parents through school newsletters; in the long run, whether the Government will arrange teachers who have received specialized training to teach the Chinese tutorial classes for NCS students; and
(6) | as some parents have often complained that since the circulars issued by schools are available in Chinese only, they cannot understand the contents of the circulars, and that teachers are not quite willing to communicate with them in English, whether the Government will increase the funding allocated to schools which have admitted EM students for hiring translators to enable schools to issue circulars in both Chinese and English to parents and facilitate more effective communication between teachers and parents? |
(1) | whether it knows the total number of disputes and complaints involving the use of coupons received by the Consumer Council and relevant government departments in the past five years, and the details of such complaints;
(2) | whether it has studied if the practice of shops setting expiry dates for coupons is reasonable and has prejudiced the rights of consumers;
(3) | given that the terms and conditions for the use of coupons generally contain a clause to the effect that "in case of any disputes, the decision of the company shall be final", whether the authorities have assessed if such a clause is an exemption clause which has legal effect; and
(4) | whether the authorities will consider regulating the sale of coupons by retail shops to protect the rights of consumers; if they will not, of the justifications for that? |
(1) | of the number of cases uncovered by EDB in each of the past five years in which grants were erroneously disbursed to schools for payment of acting allowances to teachers, and the number of teachers involved; whether it knows, among such schools, the number of those which were unable to recover the erroneously paid acting allowances from the teachers concerned, the reasons concerned and the maximum amount of money involved;
(2) | in respect of the cases mentioned in (1), of the longest time lapsed from EDB's first erroneous disbursement of grants to the school concerned to the discovery of the error, the number of such cases in which six years or more have lapsed, and the number of teachers involved; whether EDB has completed reviewing those cases involving payment of acting allowances prior to 19 April 2013; if EDB has not, of the number of remaining cases and the estimated time needed to complete the review of them;
(3) | of the workflow, prior to the introduction of the additional computer system on 19 April 2013, followed by EDB to verify the eligibility of the teachers concerned for receiving acting allowances, and the time limit for completing each step in the workflow; given that EDB has introduced the additional computer system, whether EDB can ensure that the relevant verification work will be completed in the same school year in which the applications are received; if EDB cannot, of the reasons for that;
(4) | whether EDB has consulted the Department of Justice on the applicability of the aforesaid six-year limitation rule to the aforesaid cases of recovery of acting allowances erroneously paid/grants erroneously disbursed; if EDB has conducted such a consultation and the outcome is in the affirmative, whether the six-year limitation period commences on the date on which the error was first made; if not, how EDB calculates the six-year limitation period;
(5) | of the number of schools in the past five years whose subvention was adjusted by EDB due to overpayment of salaries, the total amounts involved, and the amount involved in the case with the largest rate of adjustment; and
(6) | of the number of cases in the past five years in which EDB was unable to recover from the schools concerned the grants erroneously disbursed and the reasons for that, as well as the total amount of money involved? |
(1) | as the authorities have indicated that they will step up the regulation of the sale of food online, of the framework and implementation timetable of the relevant plan;
(2) | as the Consumer Council has pointed out that it is often difficult for consumers to differentiate whether an online shop has been issued with the relevant licences or written permission, whether the Government will consider stepping up sample laboratory tests on food sold by the online shops and sparing no efforts in tracing the sources of food found to be unfit for human consumption; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(3) | as the Consumer Council has pointed out that varying methods have currently been adopted by online shops for freezing and delivering food, whether the authorities will consider adding provisions to the relevant food business licences to stipulate that online shops selling food of high risk, such as meat, milk, sashimi and oysters for raw consumption, are required to comply with a set of guidelines on freezing, packaging and delivery so as to ensure food safety; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(4) | whether it will consider following the practice on the Mainland to require online trading platforms to register online shops under their real names to facilitate the liaison and tracing efforts of the Centre for Food Safety, so as to step up the regulation of the sale of food online; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the differences between the contents of the aforesaid EP after the first variation (No. EP-353/2009/A) and those of the EP after the latest variation (No. EP-353/2009/I);
(2) | whether the authorities have compared the respective impacts on the water quality and marine ecosystem on the periphery of the artificial island which would be caused by the works for constructing SC sea walls and RM sea walls; if they have, of the details; whether they have assessed if constructing SC sea walls has a lower likelihood of causing water pollution than constructing RM sea walls; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(3) | whether EPD has drawn up guidelines on the circumstances under which the holder of an EP is required to apply for variation in the conditions of the EP in respect of change in construction method; if EPD has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(4) | given that constructing SC sea walls and constructing RM sea walls are different methods of reclamation and land formation, of the rationale based on which EPD decided that HyD was not required to (i) apply for variations in the conditions of the EP in respect of the aforesaid change in construction method, and (ii) make public the change; and
(5) | given that it is stipulated in section 13 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499) that the Director of Environmental Protection ("the Director") may, upon receipt of an application for a variation in the conditions of an EP by EPD, amend the relevant EP without calling for an EIA report if he is satisfied that there is no material change to the environmental impact of the project with the mitigation measures in place and the project complies with the requirements described in the technical memorandum, whether the Director has, in respect of any of the aforesaid applications for variations in the conditions of the EP, requested HyD to submit an EIA report; if so, of the details; if not, the rationale based on which the Director made such a decision at that time? |
(1) | the respective current numbers and percentages of bus shelters of each franchised bus company (with a breakdown of the figures by franchise if the bus company concerned holds more than one franchise) that are equipped with electricity supply and thus can be installed with real-time bus service information display panels (set out in tables of the same format as the table below with a breakdown by District Council district);
Franchised bus company (franchise):_________________
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(2) | the respective numbers of (i) public transport interchanges, (ii) bus-bus interchanges, (iii) bus termini and (iv) bus shelters that are installed with real-time bus service information display panels and their respective percentages in the total numbers, the number of bus routes the service information of which is displayed on those panels respectively, and the respective locations of (i) to (iii) (set out the information in the table below); and
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(3) | if real-time bus service information is available on the web sites and smartphone apps of various franchised bus companies at present; if so, of the respective (i) numbers and (ii) percentages of the bus routes, operated by such companies, the service information of which is available through these two channels (set out in the table below)?
(1) | of the number of sets of three-colour bins which were in use throughout the territory at the beginning of each year from 2013 to this year;
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(2) | of (i) the respective quantities of waste paper, waste plastics and waste metals recovered, (ii) among such waste, the quantities and percentages of those collected through three-colour bins, and (iii) the respective quantities of these three types of waste sent to landfills for disposal, in each year from 2012 to the first half of this year (set out in Table 1);
Table 1
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(3) | of the expenditure incurred for the management of three-colour bins and the fees payable to the contractors responsible for collecting waste from those bins in each of the past five years; whether it has regularly reviewed and monitored the work performance of such contractors; if it has, whether it has uncovered any malpractices; if it has not reviewed and monitored, of the reasons for that;
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(4) | whether it has regularly reviewed the effectiveness of waste recovery through the provision of three-colour bins; if it has, of the details;
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(5) | of the expenditure incurred and the channels used for promoting among the public the use of three-colour bins for disposal of waste in each year from 2013 to the first half of this year (set out in Table 2);
Table 2
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(6) | of the expenditure incurred and the channels used in each of the past five years for promoting among the public the message of using less disposable cutlery and avoiding buying bottled drinks (set out in a table of the same format as Table 2);
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(7) | of the respective quantities of paper, plastics and metal materials used for the packaging of beverages consumed by members of the public in each of the past five years; whether it has formulated policies to encourage beverage producers to use less of such materials and more of environmentally friendly materials; if it has, of the details; and
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(8) | whether it has maintained regular contact with the recycling industry to gain an understanding of the operation of the industry and the difficulties encountered by the industry; if it has, of the details; whether it has formulated policies to facilitate the development of the recycling industry; if it has; of the details; if not, how the authorities address the problem of ever increasing waste loads in Hong Kong? |
First Reading
Financial Institutions (Resolution) Bill | ||
Second Reading (Debate to be adjourned)
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Financial Institutions (Resolution) Bill | : | Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury |