Letter from Hon WONG Kwok-hing on issues relating to an automatic adjustment mechanism for the Minimum and Maximum Levels of Relevant Income for Mandatory Provident Fund mandatory contributions (Chinese version only)
Letter from Hon WONG Kwok-hing on issues relating to an automatic adjustment mechanism for the Minimum and Maximum Levels of Relevant Income for Mandatory Provident Fund mandatory contributions (Chinese version only)
25 August 2015*
Year 2013 - 2014
LC Paper No.
Meeting date
Joint letter dated 3 October 2013 from Hon TANG Ka-piu and Hon KWOK Wai-keung proposing discussion on issues relating to the arrangement for offsetting Severance Payment or Long Service Payment under the MPF system (Chinese version only)
4 November 2013
Letter dated 30 September 2013 from Hon TANG Ka-piu proposing discussion on improvement measures on the Mandatory Provident Fund system arising from the consultancy study on trustees' administration costs conducted by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority in 2012 (Chinese version only)
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Catering and Hotels Industries Employees General Union (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Catholic Diocese of HK Diocesan Pastoral Centre for Workers (Kowloon) (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Chamber of Security Industry (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Civic Party (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Councillors' Workers Association (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Eating Establishment Employees General Union (Chinese version only)
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Environmental Services Contractors Alliance (Hong Kong) (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Federation of Hong Kong Industries (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from HK Environment Services, Logistics & Cleaning Employees Association (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong & Kowloon Plastic Products Merchants United Association Ltd. (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong Buildings Management And Security Workers General Union (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong Business Community Joint Conference (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (Chinese version only)
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong No MPF (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Jan Cheong Sing Hardware (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Labour Party (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Motor Transport Workers General Union (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Right of People's Livelihood & Legal Association, Hong Kong (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Service Industry General Union (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Federation of Hong Kong & Kowloon Labour Unions (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Rights & Benefits Committee (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Hong Kong General Union of Security & Property Management Industry Employees (Chinese version only)
18 March 2014
Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Hong Kong Metals Manufacturers Association (Chinese version only)
Hon TANG Ka-piu's letter proposing to discuss a study of administrative costs in the Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund system dated 5 December 2012 (Chinese version only)