Panel on Housing

Meeting on 3 July 2017

Submissions from deputations/individuals
(position as at 26 June 2017)

Name of deputation/individual attending the meeting Submission Date of issue
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service LC Paper No. CB(1)1210/16-17(01)
(Chinese version only)
26 June 2017
吳港豐先生 LC Paper No. CB(1)1210/16-17(02)
(Chinese version only)
26 June 2017
Ir Nigel LAM Lai-chong LC Paper No. CB(1)1210/16-17(03)
(English version only)
26 June 2017
基層住屋關注組 LC Paper No. CB(1)1210/16-17(04)
(Chinese version only)
26 June 2017
Christian Concern for the Homeless Association LC Paper No. CB(1)1210/16-17(05)
(Chinese version only)
26 June 2017
屯門住屋關注團隊 LC Paper No. CB(1)1210/16-17(06)
(Chinese version only)
26 June 2017
東區婦女房屋關注組 LC Paper No. CB(1)1210/16-17(07)
(Chinese version only)
26 June 2017
Tsing Sham Housing Concern Group LC Paper No. CB(1)1210/16-17(08)
(Chinese version only)
26 June 2017
洪水橋土地分配關注組 LC Paper No. CB(1)1210/16-17(09)
(Chinese version only)
26 June 2017
深水埗N無人士房屋關注組 LC Paper No. CB(1)1210/16-17(10)
(Chinese version only)
26 June 2017

Name of deputation/individual not attending the meeting Submission Date of issue
全港基層爭取住屋權益聯會 LC Paper No. CB(1)1210/16-17(11)
(Chinese version only)
26 June 2017