Panel on Welfare Services and Panel on Health Services

Joint Subcommittee on Long-term Care Policy

Submissions from deputations/individuals
(as at 27 January 2017)

Submissions from deputations/individuals attending the meeting

  Name of deputation/individual Submission Date of issue
1.Community Care and Nursing Home Workers General Union LC Paper No. CB(2)599/16-17(03)
(Chinese version only)
12 January 2017
2.Hong Kong Christian Service Shamshuipo Integrated Home Care Service Team LC Paper No. CB(2)599/16-17(04)
(Chinese version only)
12 January 2017
3.Mr WANG Hongyu LC Paper No. CB(2)599/16-17(05)
(English version only)
12 January 2017
4.Our Hong Kong Foundation LC Paper No. CB(2)599/16-17(06)
(English version only)
12 January 2017
5.Ms Christine FONG Kwok-shan LC Paper No. CB(2)628/16-17(01)
(Chinese version only)
17 January 2017
6.Civic Party LC Paper No. CB(2)628/16-17(02)
(Chinese version only)
17 January 2017
7.The Association of Parents of the Severely Mentally Handicapped LC Paper No. CB(2)628/16-17(03)
(Chinese version only)
17 January 2017
8.香港老人權益聯盟 LC Paper No. CB(2)628/16-17(04)
(revised version)
(Chinese version only)
27 January 2017
9.關注家居照顧服務大聯盟 LC Paper No. CB(2)687/16-17(01)
(Chinese version only)
23 January 2017

Submissions from deputations/individuals not attending the meeting

  Name of deputation/individual Submission Date of issue
1.香港社區組織協會 LC Paper No. CB(2)628/16-17(04)
(revised version)
(Chinese version only)
27 January 2017