Panel on Education

Meeting on Friday, 2 February 2018, at 10:45 am
in Conference Room 3 of the Legislative Council Complex



Information paper(s) issued since the last meeting

No information paper has been issued so far.


Items for discussion at the next meeting

(10:45 am - 10:50 am)

Appendix I to LC Paper No. CB(4)535/17-18

-List of outstanding items for discussion

Appendix II to LC Paper No. CB(4)535/17-18

-List of follow-up actions

*Legend symbol denoting All other Hon Members are invited to take part in the discussion of agenda item III which is a public works proposal. III.

8033ED - Provision of boarding section of Hong Chi Pinehill School and re-provisioning of boarding section of Hong Chi Pinehill No. 2 School in Tai Po

(10:50 am - 11:20 am)

LC Paper No. CB(4)535/17-18(01)

-Paper provided by the Administration


Overview of sex education and prevention and handling of sexual harassment in schools

(11:20 am - 12:05 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(4)535/17-18(02)

-Paper provided by the Administration


Promotion of reading

(12:05 pm - 12:45 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(4)535/17-18(03)

-Paper provided by the Administration


Any other business

* All other Hon Members are invited to take part in the discussion of agenda item III which is a public works proposal.

Council Business Division 4
Legislative Council Secretariat
30 January 2018