Panel on Health Services and Panel on Commerce and Industry

Joint Subcommittee on Issues Relating to the Regulation of Devices and Development of the Beauty Industry

Meeting on 26 February 2019

Submissions from deputations/individuals
(position as at 25 February 2019)

Submissions from deputations/individuals attending the meeting

  Name of deputations/individuals Submission Date of issue
1.Miss CHAN Yu LC Paper No. CB(4)558/18-19(01)
(Chinese version only)
20 February 2019
2.Federation of Beauty Industry (H.K.) LC Paper No. CB(4)558/18-19(02)
(Chinese version only)
20 February 2019
3.Beauty Industry Standardisation Organisation LC Paper No. CB(4)558/18-19(03)
(Chinese version only)
20 February 2019
4.Hong Kong Dental Association LC Paper No. CB(4)558/18-19(04)
(English version only)
20 February 2019
5.Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association LC Paper No. CB(4)558/18-19(05)
(English version only)
20 February 2019
6.Mr NGAN Tsz-leung LC Paper No. CB(4)583/18-19(01)
(Chinese version only)
25 February 2019
7.Citi Concept LC Paper No. CB(4)583/18-19(02)
(Chinese version only)
(Restricted to members only)
25 February 2019

Submissions from deputations/individuals not attending the meeting

  Name of deputations/individuals Submission Date of issue
1.The Hong Kong Society of Dermatology & Venereology LC Paper No. CB(4)558/18-19(06)
(English version only)
20 February 2019
2.The Patients and Healthcare Professionals Rights Association LC Paper No. CB(4)558/18-19(07)
(Chinese version only)
20 February 2019
3.Hong Kong College of Dermatologists LC Paper No. CB(4)558/18-19(08)
(English version only)
20 February 2019
4.Dr CHAN Wai-man, Mandy LC Paper No. CB(4)558/18-19(09)
(English version only)
20 February 2019
5.The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing LC Paper No. CB(4)576/18-19(01)
(English version only)
22 February 2019
6.The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry LC Paper No. CB(4)576/18-19(02)
(English version only)
22 February 2019
7.Hong Kong College of Physicians LC Paper No. CB(4)576/18-19(03)
(English version only)
22 February 2019