Panel on Health Services

Subcommittee on Issues Relating to the Support for Cancer Patients

Meeting on 20 May 2019

Submissions from deputations
(position as at 27 May 2019)

Submissions from deputations attending the meeting

  Name of deputation Submission Date of issue
1.Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation LC Paper No. CB(2)1433/18-19(05)
(Chinese version only)
16 May 2019
2.Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation LC Paper No. CB(2)1504/18-19(01)
(Chinese version only)
21 May 2019
3.The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society LC Paper No. CB(2)1536/18-19(01)
(Chinese version only)
27 May 2019

Submissions from deputations/individuals not attending the meeting

  Name of deputation/individual Submission Date of issue
1.Health In Action LC Paper No. CB(2)1504/18-19(02)
(Chinese version only)
21 May 2019