Panel on Health Services

Meeting on 12 June 2020

Submissions from deputations/individuals
(position as at 11 June 2020)

Submissions from deputations/individuals attending the meeting

  Name of deputation/individual Submission Date of issue
1.Dr CHEUNG Ching-lung, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong LC Paper No. CB(2)1188/19-20(01)
(Chinese version only)
11 June 2020
2.Health in Action LC Paper No. CB(2)1188/19-20(02)
(English version only)
11 June 2020
3.The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong LC Paper No. CB(2)1188/19-20(03)
(Chinese version only)
11 June 2020
4.Society for Community Organization and Elderly Right League (Hong Kong) LC Paper No. CB(2)1188/19-20(04)
(Chinese version only)
11 June 2020

Submissions from deputations/individuals not attending the meeting

  Name of deputation/individual Submission Date of issue
1.The Osteoporosis Management Primary Care Task Force LC Paper No. CB(2)734/19-20(02) 19 March 2020
2.聚賢社 LC Paper No. CB(2)734/19-20(03)
(Chinese version only)
19 March 2020