Panel on Education

Meeting on Friday, 5 February 2021, from 10:45 am to 12:00 noon
in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex

Revised agenda
(As at 3 February 2021)


Information paper(s) issued since the last meeting

LC Paper No. CB(4)375/20-21(01)
(issued on 13 January 2021)

-Information paper entitled "Implementation of Various Initiatives of the Language Fund" provided by the Administration


Items for discussion at the next meeting

(10:45 am - 10:50 am)

Appendix I to LC Paper No. CB(4)455/20-21

-List of outstanding items for discussion

Appendix II to LC Paper No. CB(4)455/20-21

-List of follow-up actions


The financial structure of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority and initial thoughts on its long-term funding options

(10:50 am - 11:35 am)

LC Paper No. CB(4)455/20-21(01)
(issued on 29 January 2021)

-Paper provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(4)475/20-21(01)

-Background brief on issues related to the financial structure of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

*Legend symbol denoting All other Hon Members are invited to take part in the discussion of agenda item IV which is a public works proposal.IV.

3356EP - A 30-classroom primary school in Tsuen Wan West Station (TW7) Development, Tsuen Wan

(11:35 am - 12:00 noon)

LC Paper No. CB(4)455/20-21(02)
(issued on 29 January 2021)

-Paper provided by the Administration


Any other business

* All other Hon Members are invited to take part in the discussion of agenda item IV which is a public works proposal.

Council Business Division 4
Legislative Council Secretariat
3 February 2021