LC Paper No. CB(4)1047/20-21(01) (issued on 31 May 2021) |
- | List of discussion item and proposed solutions |
LC Paper No. CB(4)1047/20-21(02) (issued on 31 May 2021) |
- | Paper provided by the Administration |
LC Paper No. CB(4)1061/20-21(01) (Chinese version only) (attached) |
- | Submission from the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers |
LC Paper No. FS05/20-21 (issued on 31 May 2021) |
- | Fact sheet on "Measures to promote the adoption of safety enhancements by the taxi trade" prepared by the Research Office |
LC Paper No. CB(4)1035/20-21(01) (issued on 3 June 2021) |
- | Administration's response to the follow-up actions arising from the meeting on 4 May 2021 |