立 法 會 秘 書 處

Legislative Council Secretariat

Press Release

LegCo Panel on Transport visits Citybus and New World First Bus Depot (with photos)

The Legislative Council ("LegCo") Panel on Transport conducted a visit to the Citybus and New World First Bus Depot today (8 June) to understand the new features of buses and the operation of the bus depot.


Members took a Citybus to the bus depot in Chai Wan. They took the opportunity to learn more about various safety enhancement features and passenger friendly facilities on the bus, including the electronic stability control system, active speed limiting system, advanced driver-assistance system that can monitor the driver's conditions, as well as the installation of seat belt on all seats, etc.


Members were then briefed by representatives of the bus operators on their bus services and future development after arriving at the depot.  They also exchanged views on issues of mutual concern. Members then had a tour in the bus depot and observed a new plug-in hybrid electric coach.  


Members who participated in the visit were the Chairman of the Panel, Hon Frankie YICK Chi-ming; the Deputy Chairman, Hon CHAN Han-pan; Panel Members Hon POON Siu-ping and Hon LAU Kwok-fan.

Ends/Tuesday, 8 June 2021


Photo 1


The Legislative Council Panel on Transport visits the Citybus and New World First Bus Depot today (8 June) and poses for a group photo with the representatives of the bus operators. Photo shows (fifth from left) the Chairman of the Panel, Hon Frankie YICK Chi-ming; the Chairman of New World First Bus and Citybus, Mr Cliff ZHANG; the Deputy Chairman of the Panel, Hon CHAN Han-pan; and Panel Member Hon POON Siu-ping.


Photo 2


Members of the Legislative Council receive a briefing from a representative of the bus operators on the latest safety enhancement features and passenger friendly facilities on the bus.


Photo 3


Members of the Legislative Council exchange views with representatives of the bus operators on issues of mutual concern.


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