Public Works Subcommittee
Minutes of the proceedings of the Meeting
held on 12 June 1996 at 10:45 am in the Legislative Council Chamber
Members Present :
Dr Hon Samuel WONG Ping-wai, MBE, FEng, JP (Chairman)
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yip (Deputy Chairman)
Hon Edward HO Sing-tin, OBE, JP
Hon Mrs Miriam LAU Kin-yee, OBE, JP
Hon LEE Wing-tat
Hon Eric LI Ka-cheung, JP
Hon Christine LOH Kung-wai
Hon CHAN Kam-lam
Hon CHAN Yuen-han
Hon CHEUNG Hon-chung
Hon IP Kwok-him
Hon MOK Ying-fan
Hon NGAN Kam-chuen
Hon SIN Chung-kai
Hon TSANG Kin-shing
Dr Hon John TSE Wing-ling
Members Absent :
Hon LAU Wong-fat, OBE, JP
Dr Hon Edward LEONG Che-hung, OBE, JP
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-kee
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing
Hon Henry TANG Ying-yen, JP
Dr Hon Philip WONG Yu-hong
Hon Howard YOUNG, JP
Hon Zachary WONG Wai-yin
Hon Mrs Elizabeth WONG CHIEN Chi-lien, CBE, ISO, JP
Hon Lawrence YUM Sin-ling
Public Officers Attending :
Mr Billy LAM, JP
Director of New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office
Mr Richard SIEGEL, JP
Director of Civil Aviation
Director of Architectural Services
Mr Robert LAU, JP
Director of Royal Observatory
Assistant Director (Aviation Meteorological Services), Royal Observatory
Assistant Director (Technical & Planning), Civil Aviation Department
Miss Linda LAI
Principal Assistant Secretary for Economic Services (New Airport)
Chief Superintendent (Planning & Development), Royal Hong Kong Police Force
Director of Highways
Director of Territory Development
Director of Water Supplies |
In Attendance :
Mr Bowen LEUNG, JP
Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands
Secretary for Works
Dr Rob LAW, JP
Director of Environmental Protection
Mrs Carrie LAM
Deputy Secretary for the Treasury
Mr James HERD
Principal Assistant Secretary for the Treasury (Works)
Miss Pauline NG
Assistant Secretary General
Mrs Constance LI
Clerk to the Public Works Subcommittee
Mr Andy LAU
Senior Assistant Secretary (Finance Committee) |
Upgrading of projects to Category A
New Item
Government Facilities for the Second Runway of the new airport at Chek Lap Kok |
Members questioned the need to provide additional facilities and equipment for the second runway as the Administration should have anticipated the additional requirements in the design of the Phase I project. They were concerned that the present arrangements of making separate provisions for the first and second runways might not be cost-effective, and would result in duplication or redundancy of resources.
2. In response, the Administration clarified that the agreement on the commissioning of the second runway was reached only recently, and as the Phase I design had only made provision for the essential facilities in connection with the operation of the first runway, additional facilities would have to be provided for the second runway. The Director of Civil Aviation (DCA) advised that the additional facilities requested were essential to support and maximise the operation of the two runways within the prescribed safety standards. As regards the back-up facilities, DCA advised that these would need to be accommodated in separate buildings to enable the continued operation of the airport in case of emergency. It would also be necessary to provide certain instrument landing system equipment near the second runway. The Administration assured members that there was no unnecessary duplication of equipment and facilities, and that the project costs for these additional facilities would not be increased under the present arrangement.
3. On the financial arrangements for the second runway, the Director of New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office (D/NAPCO) advised that the project would be financed by borrowings by the Airport Authority (AA), and the borrowings would not need to be guaranteed or repaid by the Hong Kong Government. He further advised that the financing of the second runway would have no adverse impact on the financial position of the AA or the construction of the Phase I programme.
4. As regards the tendering arrangements, members urged the Administration to consider awarding all contracts for the construction of the second runway and the associated facilities through open tender, instead of restricting the tender to only those existing contractors now working on Phase I of the new airport. In response, D/NAPCO advised that the Administration would follow open tendering procedures as far as possible. However, having regard to the tight schedule of the programme and the interface with other on-going contracts, it was very likely that extending the current contracts would be more cost-effective than open tendering. The subject was now under deliberations by a committee of the AA. The committee would certainly make every effort to ensure value for money.
5. In reply to a member, D/NAPCO clarified that the use of fixed-price lump-sum contracts would enable the Government to have greater certainty in financial planning, and this arrangement was in line with other Airport Core Programme contracts. On the cashflow requirements for 1999-2000 after the completion of the second runway, D Arch S advised that the accounts would be finalised only after a period of commissioning of the equipment and facilities.
6. On the question of why the Government had requested funding at an early stage in respect of contracts which would not commence until late 1997, the Administration explained that the present proposal sought a funding commitment for the total package of the additional government facilities required for the second runway, in order to facilitate project planning and contract preparation. The arrangement would not affect the funding of other Public Works Programme projects.
7. After discussion, members of the Democratic Party indicated that they would reserve their position on the proposal as further information would be required on the following before the item was put to Finance Committee for approval:
- the tender arrangements for the contracts for the second runway and the associated facilities;
- the financial arrangement for the construction of the second runway and its impact on the overall financial position of the AA; and
- whether the provision of government facilities for the two runways separately would lead to duplication of resources and increased costs.
8. The Administration agreed to provide further information on the above before the item was submitted to the Finance Committee on 21 June 1996.
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9. The item was voted on and endorsed.
Reconstruction of major roads in the territory |
10. Members expressed concern about the possible traffic disruption caused by the re-construction of Lockhart Road. They requested the Administration to ensure that the planning and consultation work would be completed in advance, and that necessary measures would be taken to minimize inconvenience to road users.
11. In reply, the Director of Highways (DHy) advised that the Administration was conscious of the need to minimize traffic disruption during re-construction and would take appropriate traffic management measures in collaboration with the Transport Department and the Police. In view of the heavy vehicular flow of Lockhart Road, the works would be carried out in stages, on a lane-by-lane and section-by-section basis, and each section would not exceed 35 metres in length. Re-construction of critical junctions would be carried out at night, and low-noise equipment would be used. Road facilities such as metered parking spaces, taxi stands and public light buses stands would be retained as far as possible; where necessary, minor diversions or re-locations would be arranged in consultation with the parties concerned. In addition, to facilitate traffic diversion, the reconstruction would be carried out in 1997 only after completion of Hennessy Road reconstruction works.
12. Responding to a member, DHy advised that in view of the width of the excavation and the high costs involved, it would not be cost-effective to deck over the excavated areas during daytime. However, the Administration would take the opportunity to synchronise other necessary improvement works such as watermains and drainage improvements during the reconstruction. The public utility companies would also be invited to make use of this period for carrying out any necessary works.
13. On the reconstruction of Man Kam To Road, members noted that an additional temporary traffic lane would be provided to maintain the current arrangement of two China-bound lanes and one Kowloon-bound lane during reconstruction. DHy also assured members that appropriate measures would be taken to maintain access to village roads along Man Kam To Road.
14. On the suggestion to carry out reconstruction works at night only, DHy advised that apart from the noise problem, this would significantly lengthen the reconstruction period and increase the costs, and was considered not justified in the present case. As regards the possible flooding problem caused by the reconstruction, DHy advised that necessary precautionary measures would be taken to avoid such a possibility.
15. The item was voted on and endorsed.
Improvements to Ying Yip Road and Silverstrand Beach Road at junctions with Hang Hau Road and Clear Water Bay Road |
16. In reply to a member, the Director of Territory Development (DTD) advised that in response to two objections, the Administration had revised the road alignment to minimize land resumption and made provision for adequate noise mitigation measures. As a result, the objectors had withdrawn their objections.
17. On the eligibility of the affected premises for indirect technical remedies (such as window insulation and air-conditioners), DTD explained that the following criteria were adopted :
- the predicted overall noise level in the vicinity would exceed 70dB; and
- the proposed new road would increase the overall noise level by at least 1dB.
18. On the design of the carriageway, DTD assured members that it would be in line with the safety standard required.
19. The item was voted on and endorsed.
Integration of the North Point and Central cross harbour mains supply zones - remaining works |
20. Responding to a member, the Director of Water Supplies (DWS) advised that the two existing supply mains were constructed a long time ago, and could no longer meet present day requirements. To improve the reliability of water supply to these supply zones, it would be necessary to provide linkage between the two mains. The opportunity would also be taken to integrate the proposed works with the roadworks programme to minimise disruption to the areas affected.
21. The item was voted on and endorsed.
Reconstruction of Diamond Hill salt water service reservoir |
22. At the request of a member, DWS undertook to provide further information on the cost breakdown of the demolition and reconstruction work.
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23. The item was voted on and endorsed.
24. The Committee was adjourned at 12.25 p.m.
Legislative Council Secretariat
4 July 1996
Last Updated on 27 November 1998