Financial Affairs

Meeting Agenda as of 19 July 1996

Date :2 July 1996

Item No. Subject
I.Confirmation of minutes of previous meetings and matters arising
(8:30 am - 8:35 am)
(LegCo Paper No. CB(1) 1599/95-96
II.Date and items for discussion at the next meeting
(8:35 am - 8:40 am)
III.The regulation of the health insurance industry
(8:40 am - 9:25 am)
Annex A
IV.Supervision of stock brokers
(9:25 am - 10:00 am)
    - follow-up on the case of Wei Xin Securities Ltd.
    - application of 'fit and proper' criteria to the controlling shareholder of a registered dealer

Annex B
V.Offering mechanism of initial public offerings and the Kwong On Bank incident
(10:00 am - 10:30 am)
*Annex C
Annex D
VI.Any other business

* -- Hard copy is available in the Research & Library Services Division

[ Agenda | Papers ]
Last Updated on 18 Aug, 1998