LegCo Panel on Health Services

Health and Medical Development Advisory Committee (HMDAC)
Summary of Issues Discussed during the period
from November 1995 to May 1996


The Health and Medial Development Advisory Committee (HMDAC) was established on 1 March 1992 as a non-statutory advisory body to advise the Government on the development of health care services and the interface between the health and hospital services. It meets quarterly. In the period from November 1995 to May 1996, issues discussed by HMDAC are summarised in this paper.

Healthcare Financing

2. HMDAC supported the existing health policy that no one would be deprived of adequate medical treatment due to lack of means. However, it viewed that the public expenditure on healthcare would need to be capped so that it would not keep escalating to a point where the community could not afford it

3. HMDAC noted that Health and Welfare Branch (HWB) was conducting a review on healthcare financing. It would come back to HMDAC after the review was completed.

Student Health Service (SHS)

4. HMDAC noted that as at 20 January 1996, the participation rate and turn-up rate of primary school students were 86% and 82.5% respectively. About 27% of the attending students required referrals for further assessment.

It also noted that phase two of SHS for secondary school students would begin in the school year 1996-97.

5. HMDAC requested the Department of Health to monitor the response rate of students in the second year of the Scheme and submit a progress report on the implementation of phase two later this year.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

6. HMDAC noted that the Preparatory Committee on Chinese Medicine has carried out an enrolment exercise to collect data about the TCM profession in Hong Kong. It requested HWB to submit the analysis report of this exercise when available.

Reproductive Technology

7. On Reproductive Technology, HMDAC was informed that HWB was drafting a bill on this issue, with advice from the Preparatory Committee on Reproductive Technology. The Preparatory Committee would also be seeking public views on a number of new reproductive technology issues in the summer.

Human Organ Transplant

8. HMDAC noted that the Human Organ Transplant Ordinance had been passed and the Human Organ Transplant Board had been established. The Board would draw up Regulations and operating procedures, at which time the ordinance as a whole would be brought into effect.

Health and Welfare Branch
27 June 1996

Last Updated on 19 Aug, 1998