Note for Legislative Council Constitutional Affairs Panel
Achievement at JLG XXXVII
(17 to 19 September 1996)

JLG XXXVII has been business-like and has yielded a good harvest. The Joint Communiqué and Mr. Davies’ press statement are in Annexes A and B. Specific agreements reached include:

  1. Container Terminal No.9;
  2. A satellite television uplink and downlink licence (Galaxy Uplink Limited);
  3. HK/Thailand and HK/Myanmar ASAs;
  4. A model text for overflight agreements;
  5. the localisation of legislation relating to the surrender of fugitive offenders and carriage by air;
  6. HK/US Surrender of Fugitive Offenders Agreement;
  7. HK’s continued participation in the International Civil Aviation Organisation; and
  8. the continued application of a sizeable number of multilateral agreements including conventions relating to the rights of women and the elimination of racial discrimination.

2. There were also useful discussions on the immigration issues: right of abode, visa free access, and HKSAR travel documents. Experts on both sides would meet soon to take matters forward.

3. Subsequent to JLG XXXVII the two Foreign Ministers met in New York on 26 September 1996, after this meetings the two Senior Representatives signed an Agreed Minute on the Handover Ceremony on 27 September 1996. The two foreign ministers also agreed that experts should meet to discuss the terms of reference for a possible expert group on Hong Kong Government’s assets, and to hold expert discussions on archives.

Constitutional Affairs Branch
9 October 1996

Last Updated on 13 August 1998