Provident Fund Schemes
Legislation (Amendment) Bill 1997
Meeting on Thursday, 12 February 1998, at 10:45a.m. in Chamber of the Legislative Council Building
- Confirmation of minutes of meetings and matters arising minutes of meetings
PLC Paper No.CB(1)865 -Minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 1997
PLC Paper No.CB(1)824 -Minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 1997 at 8:30 am
PLC Paper No.CB(1)825 -Minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 1997 at 11:45 am
PLC Paper No.CB(1)826 - Minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 1997 at 2:30 pm
PLC Paper No.CB(1)827 - Minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 1997 at 4:45 pm
PLC Paper No.CB(1)877 - Minutes of the meeting held on 8 January 1998 at 8:30 am
PLC Paper No.CB(1)878 -Minutes of the meeting held on 8 January 1998 at 11:30 am
PLC Paper No.CB(1)900 - Minutes of the meeting held on 8 January 1998 at 2:30 pm
PLC Paper No.CB(1)901 -Minutes of the meeting held on 8 January 1998 at 4:30 pm
matters arising
-Legal adviser report on some members?suggestion of providing for free entry to the Residual Provident Fund Scheme
- Reconstitution of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority and Residual Provident Fund Scheme
- The recent market turmoils and retirement fund schemes - the impact and related issues
- Papers issued since last meeting
PLC Paper No. CB(1)833 - 焅inal Report for the Consultancy for Provision of Professional Service to Mandatory Provident Fund Office?P>
PLC Paper No. CB(1)845(01)- List of issues arising from the meetings on 17 January 1998 which will require further consideration/action
PLC Paper No. CB(1)845(02)- List of issues arising from the meetings on 19 January 1998 which will require further consideration/action
PLC Paper No. CB(1)845(03)- List of issues arising from the meetings on 20 January 1998 which will require further consideration/action
PLC Paper No. CB(1)845(04)- List of issues arising from the meetings on 22 January 1998 which will require further consideration/action
PLC Paper No. CB(1)850 - Replacement pages of the list of issues arising from the meetings on 17 January 1998 which will require further consideration/action
PLC Paper No. CB(1)852 - Chinese translation of Hong Kong Investment Funds Association comments on the capital preservation product and on stock lending and repurchase agreement
PLC Paper No. CB(1)856 - Hong Kong Trustees?Association comments on the capital preservation product
PLC Paper No. CB(1)857 - Letter from Legal Services Division of the PLC Secretariat to the Administration seeking clarification on certain provisions of the draft MPF Schemes (General) Regulation
PLC Paper No. CB(1)876 - Letter dated 4 February 1998 from Life Insurance Council
PLC Paper No. CB(1)883 - Chinese translation of Hong Kong Trustees?Associations?comments on the capital preservation product
PLC Paper No. CB(1)903 - Revised version of the draft MPF Schemes (Exemption) Regulation
- Any other business
Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat
10 February 1998
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