PLC Paper No. CB(2)274(02)

Ref. : CB2/BC3/3/97

Legislative Council Bill

Members' Proposed Amendments
(related to Schedules 1 and 2 of the Bill)

MemberPLC Paper No.
Schedule 15.
Insurance Functional Constituency*
To delete the original paragraph 5 and replace it with paragraphs 7(1) and (2) of Schedule 1 of the Bill.

Prof Hon NG Ching-fai CB(2)276(03)
Schedule 1
7. Education Functional Constituency *
To delete paragraphs 7(1) and (2). Prof Hon NG Ching-fai CB(2)276(03)
Schedule 1
23. Financial Services Functional Constituency *
To add insurers authorized or deemed to be authorized under the Insurance Companies Ordinance.

Prof Hon NG Ching-fai CB(2)276(03)
Schedule 1
15. Social Welfare Functional Constituency
The list of electors should include -

(a) members entitled to vote at general meetings of societies established solely for religious, charitable, social or recreational purposes or as a rural committee or a federation or other association of rural committees and exempted from registration by the Societies Officer under the Societies Ordinance; and

(b) members of companies registered under the Companies Ordinance entitled to vote at general meetings. These companies should be formed for promoting commerce, art, science, religion, charity or any other useful object.

Hon CHAN Kam-lam CB(2)278(01)
Schedule 1
17.Tourism Functional Constituency

To add members of the Hong Kong Hotels Association and members of the Federation of Hong Kong Hotel Owners to the list of electors.

Hon Howard YOUNG CB(2)278(02)
Schedule 1
26.Textiles and Garment Functional Constituency
To add textile manufacturers who, according to the Trade Department 's registration record, have registered as textile manufacturer 's firms and are in possession of textile manufacturers ' registration certificates.

Hon CHOY So-yuk CB(2)276(07)
Schedule 1
28.Information Technology Functional Constituency
To include IT Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers in column 2 of paragraph 28 of Schedule 1.

Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-tai CB(2)276(02)
To include the professional members of the Hong Kong Association for Computer Education Ltd, Hong Kong Society of Medical Informatics Ltd, Hong Kong Telemedicine Association and IT Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers in column 2 of paragraph 28 of Schedule 1.

Hon CHOY So-yuk CB(2)276(07)
Schedule 2
Part 1
A new table for the Second Sector; the main change is to include the Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication Subsector. Each Subsector will have 18/19 votes.

Hon CHAN Kam-lam CB(2)278(01)
Schedule 2
Part 1
A new table for the Third Sector; the main change is to take away the Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication Subsector. The distribution of votes among the remaining four Subsectors ranges from 30 to 100. Hon CHAN Kam-lam CB(2)278(01)
Schedule 2
Part 1
A new table for the Fourth Sector; the main change is to combine Subsectors 5 and 6.

Hon CHAN Kam-lam CB(2)278(01)
Schedule 2
Part 3, paragraph 8(4)(c) and 8(9)
Delete the reference to Subsector 6 of the Fourth Sector in Part 1 of Schedule 1.

Hon CHAN Kam-lam CB(2)278(01)
Schedule 2
Part 1, Table 4
Regarding the Fourth Sector, each Provisional District Board should have 3 votes.

Hon Frederick FUNG/Hon Bruce LIU CB(2)276(05)

Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat
9 September 1997