Provisional Legislative Council

Saturday 10 May 1997 at 9:30 a.m.
I.     Bills

    Second Reading
    Debate to resume
        Holidays (1997 and 1998) Bill :     Secretary of Justice

    Committee Stage and Third Reading
        Holidays (1997 and 1998) Bill :     Secretary of Justice

II.     Members' Motion

    "Consultation Document on Civil Liberties and Social Order"

    Mr Bruce LIU
        "That with the publication of the "Consultation Document on Civil Liberties and Social Order" by the Chief Executive's Office to invite public comments, this Council urges the Chief Executive to seriously consider and accord due respect to the views of the public and that any amendments to the Societies Ordinance and the Public Order Ordinance shall be made according to the following principles:
        1. the provisions of the Basic Law should be complied with;
        2. the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights should be observed; and
        3. restrictions on the freedom of association, of assembly and procession etc., in comparison with those imposed by existing legislation under the British colonial regime in Hong Kong, should not be tightened or be unreasonable, and the aim of the legislative amendments should be to allow latitude.

Amendments to Mr Bruce LIU's motion

1. Mrs Elsie TU's amendment :

    In sub-paragraph 2, to add "as applied to Hong Kong" after "the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights"; to delete sub-paragraph 3 and substitute "3. a right balance between civil liberties and social order should be maintained.".

    Amendment to Mrs Elsie TU's amendment

    Mrs Selina CHOW's amendment :

    To delete "and" at the end of sub-paragraph 2; to delete the full-stop at the end of sub-paragraph 3 and substitute "; and 4. the anxiety of the people of Hong Kong about their existing freedom being undermined by the amendments should be allayed as far as possible.".

2. Mr CHAN Choi-hi's amendment :

    To add the following new sentence at the end of the motion: "At the same time, with securing the confidence of the people of Hong Kong, eliminating their anxiety and ensuring a smooth transition as our principal tasks during the transition, this Council urges the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to introduce legislation on an interim basis to fill up the legal vacuum in relation to the Societies Ordinance and the Public Order Ordinance, and to introduce legislation thereafter on a permanent basis when the first Legislative Council is in session and after experience in enforcement has been gained and extensive consultation has been conducted following the handover.".
    Officer of the Chief Executive's Office to attend : Secretary for Policy Co-ordination

Ms Pauline NG
Clerk to the Provisional Legislative Council