PLC Panning, Lands and Works Panel Meeting on 15 January 1998

Briefing Paper

South East Kowloon Development at Kai Tak Airport
- Decontamination and site preparation


1.Upon the relocation of the Kai Tak Airport to the new airport at Chek Lap Kok in 1998, the existing airport site will provide additional land in the urban area reliving the shortage of land required for residential and infrastructure development. We plan to develop the site comprising the existing airport together with reclamation in Kowloon Bay in phases to accommodate a population of about 310, 000. The north apron area itself can accommodate about 125, 000 people.

2.The Government's committed housing development programme requires the first target population intake at the existing airport site to take place in early 2003. To meet this target housing construction will need to start on site by end 1999.

3.Item 469CL was upgraded to Category B in September 1996 entitled "south East Kowloon Development at Kai Tak Airport - early development package " . Its scope comprises general site preparation and infrastructures including roads, drainage, sewerage and water supply system to serve development in the north apron area of Kai Tak Airport.

4.The South East Kowloon Development Feasibility Study is substantially complete and the development proposal is under consideration. The finalized scheme will be available in mid 1998.

Needs of the Project

5.Ground contamination, which results probably from historic leaks of aviation fuels and other sources, have been found underlying the north apron area with increasing magnitude towards the south. The contaminants identified include toxic and inflammable substances such as petroleum, benzene, methane, etc. These substances, if exposed, will be hazardous to health and safety.

6.We need to clean up the site to provide hazard-free environment prior to development. The decontamination works will be required regardless of the details of the final development proposals, which are still under consideration.

7.We also need to take down some of the existing buildings and break up the apron slab to make the site ready for housing construction and other uses.


8.We new propose to upgrade part of 469CL to Category A to cover -

  1. ground decontamination of the north apron area (abort 154 hectares);

  2. demolition of existing buildings including services and facilities in the north apron area; and

  3. breaking up existing apron pavement and formation of the north apron area.

9.The cost estimate of the proposed works is about $230 million at December 1996 prices, subject to on-going refinement. We will submit a PWSC paper for consideration on 17 February 1997.

10.In order to meet the very tight housing development programme, we propose to start the works in June 1998 for completion in December 2001. The north apron area will be released in phases for housing development from end 1999 onwards.


Site Plan

Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau
January 1998