PLC Paper No. CB(2) 618(01)

Provisional Legislative Council
Panel on Security

Outstanding Items for Discussion
(as at 15.11.1997)

A.Items proposed by members

1.Hong Kong new airport at Chek Lap Kok

(a) Security arrangements for the new airport

Proposed by Hon CHAN Choi-hi on 18 September 1997.

(b) Non-emergency ambulance service in the Restricted Area of the new airport

Proposed by Hon Howard YOUNG on 16 October 1997.

(c) Emergency drill for the new airport

Proposed by Hon Howard YOUNG on 16 October 1997.

2.Follow-up on protection of safety of civil servants against violence in the course of their duty

Proposed by the Chairman on 18 September 1997. The subject of personal safety of civil servants while on duty, arising from the assault cases of Lands Officers, was discussed by the Public Service Panel at its meeting on 22 September 1997 to which members of the Security Panel were invited. Members to decide whether it is necessary to follow-up on the issue.

3.Progress report on the policy review on the issues of Vietnamese Migrants/Refugees/Illegal Immigrants

Proposed by Hon CHAN Choi-hi on 16 October 1997. The subject was last discussed on 18 September 1997.

4.Overseas applications for visas to Hong Kong and entry visa for Taiwan visitors

Proposed by Hon Howard YOUNG on 16 October 1997. Mr YOUNG considers that the Administration should relax its policy governing overseas applications for visas to Hong Kong and entry visa for Taiwan visitors.

5.Problem of illegal workers in Hong Kong

Proposed by Dr Hon LAW Cheung-kwok on 16 October 1997. He is concerned about the impact of the problem of illegal workers on the local labour market and whether the Administration has any plans to tackle the problem.

6.Frontier Closed Area and Frontier Permit

Proposed by Hon CHEUNG Hon-chung and the Chairman respectively on 16 October 1997. Mr CHEUNG considers that in view of the limited land resources in Hong Kong, the Administration should review its policy to see if it should continue to use the Frontier Closed Area as a buffer zone to operate against illegal immigration.

7.Domestic violence cases

Proposed by the Chairman on 16 October 1997. She is concerned about the upward trend of domestic violence cases resulting in the death/injury of spouses and children. The Administration will be requested to provide the relevant information and to address the problem.

8.Protection of witness

Proposed by the Chairman on 17 November 1997. She proposes to discuss the arrangement of progress of protection of witness with specific regard to :

  1. Identification procedure and anonymity of witness to those being identified.

  2. Successful applicants of witness protection programme, and percentage of acceptance and appeal.

B.Items proposed by the Administration

1.Police Top Command Structure

Dec 1997
2.Indebtedness of Police officers

Dec 1997
3.Appeal Channel under the HKSAR Passport Ordinance

Dec 1997
4.Progress report on implementation of Working Group's
Proposals on Law Reform Commission Report on Arrest

Dec 1997
5.Review of crime situation in 1997

Jan 1998

Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat
15 November 1997