House Committee of the Legislative Council
27th meeting on 16 April 1999


  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the 26th meeting held on 26 March 1999

  2. (LC Paper No. CB(2) 1636/98-99)

  3. Matters arising

    1. Report by the Chairman on his meeting with the Chief Secretary for Administration

    2. Chief Executive's reply of 19 March 1999 declining the Chairman's invitation to attend a meeting of the Council to discuss the three inquiry reports on the opening of the new airport

      (The Chief Executive's reply issued vide LC Papers No. CB(2) 1538/98-99 (English version) and CB(2) 1539/98-99 (Chinese version) dated 19 and 20 March 1999 respectively)

    3. Director of Administration's letter of 30 March 1999 on Designation of Officials to attend LegCo Meetings
      (The Director of Administration's letter issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 1620/98-99 dated 31 March 1999)

  4. Business arising from previous Council meetings

    1. Legal Service Division's reports on bills referred to the House Committee in accordance with Rule 54(4)

      1. Prevention of Bribery (Amendment) Bill 1999
        (LC Paper No. LS 141/98-99)

      2. Administration of Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1999
        (LC Paper No. LS 143/98-99)

      3. Adaptation of Laws (No. 8) Bill 1999
        (LC Paper No. LS 142/98-99)

      4. Adaptation of Laws (No. 9) Bill 1999
        (LC Paper No. LS 136/98-99)

      5. Securities (Margin Financing) (Amendment) Bill 1999
        (LC Paper No. LS 140/98-99)

      6. Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) Bill
        (LC Paper No. LS 137/98-99)

      7. Shipping and Port Control (Amendment) Bill 1999
        (LC Paper No. LS 138/98-99)

      8. Merchant Shipping (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Amendment) Bill 1999
        (LC Paper No. LS 139/98-99)

    2. Legal Service Division's reports on subsidiary legislation

      1. Subsidiary legislation tabled in Council on 31 March 1999 (gazetted on 26 March 1999)
        (LC Paper No. LS 148/98-99)

      2. Subsidiary legislation tabled in Council on 31 March 1999 (gazetted on 30 March 1999)
        (LC Paper No. LS 149/98-99 issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 1685/98-99 dated 13 April 1999)

      3. Subsidiary legislation to be tabled in Council on 21 April 1999 (gazetted on 1 April 1999)
        (LC Paper No. LS 152/98-99)

      4. Subsidiary legislation to be tabled in Council on 21 April 1999 (gazetted on 9 April 1999)
        (LC Paper No. LS 157/98-99)

  5. Business for the Council meeting on 21 April 1999

    1. Questions
      (LC Paper No. CB(3) 1489/98-99)

    2. Bills - First and Second Readings

      1. Adaptation of Laws (No. 10) Bill 1999

      2. Labour Tribunal (Amendment) Bill 1999

      3. Small Claims Tribunal (Amendment) Bill 1999

      4. Hong Kong War Memorial Pensions (Amendment) Bill 1999

      5. Protection of Wages on Insolvency (Amendment) Bill 1999

      6. Revenue Bill 1999

      7. Organized and Serious Crimes (Amendment) Bill 1999

    3. Government motions

      No notice has been received yet.

    4. Members' motions

      1. Motion on "Establishment of a Culture Commission"

        The above motion to be moved by Hon MA Fung-kwok. (Wording of the motion issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 1483/98-99 dated 9 April 1999)

      2. Motion on "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women"

        The above motion to be moved by Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing. (Wording of the motion issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 1484/98-99 dated 9 April 1999)

  6. Business for the Council meeting on 28 April 1999

    1. Questions
      (LC Paper No. CB(3) 1490/98-99)

    2. Bills - First and Second Readings

      Insurance Companies (Amendment) Bill 1999
    3. Government motions

      No notice has been received yet.

    4. Members' motions

      1. Motion on "New arrivals from the Mainland"

        Hon LAW Chi-kwong has been allocated a debate slot.

      2. Motion on "The Labour Day"

        Hon LEE Cheuk-yan has been allocated a debate slot.

  7. Reports

    1. Position report on Bills Committees/subcommittees
      (LC Paper No. CB(2) 1679/98-99)

    2. Report of the Bills Committee on Adaptation of Laws Bill 1998
      (LC Paper No.CB(2) 1681/98-99)

    3. Report on the Legislative Council Delegation's Visit to Japan
      (LC Paper No.CB(3) 1486/98-99)

  8. Any other business

    1. Committee on Rules of Procedure

      Verbal report by Hon Mrs Selina CHOW, Chairman of the Committee on Rules of Procedure

    2. Monitoring of the Administration's follow-up actions on issues raised at Panel meetings

      (Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing's letter of 12 April 1999 attached)

    3. Joint meeting of the LegCo Panels on Economic Services, Home Affairs, Planning, Lands & Works and Public Service on 14 April 1999 to follow-up on the recommendations of the three inquiry reports on the opening of the new airport Verbal report by Hon James TIEN Pei-chun

Legislative Council Secretariat
15 April 1999