Legislative Council

LC Paper No.AS 405/98-99

Paper for the House Committee Meeting
on 24 September 1999

LegCo Fun Day 1999-2000


This paper seeks Members' advice on whether a Legislative Council (LegCo) Fun Day involving Members and LegCo Beat reporters should be held in the 1999-2000 session.


2. The LegCo Fun Day was first organized in December 1987 and was held at the Hong Kong Sports Institute (formerly the Jubilee Sports Centre) in Shatin, with Members and LegCo Beat reporters as well as their families enjoying a day of fun and games. Since then, the event was held annually. There were usually sports and recreational activities in the afternoon between Members' teams and reporters' teams, ending with karaoke and dinner.

3. Up till now, the Fun Day has been held 11 times. Dr Hon LEONG Che-hung, Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the Fun Day, held a meeting with the Committee's four reporters' representatives on 12 February 1999 to discuss the format and approach for future Fun Days. The reporters' representatives reflected that many reporters participating in the event felt the sports-day approach had been used for a long time and suggested that a new format be adopted. Their main observations and suggestions are as follows:

  1. The present event lasts too long

    Normally, the Fun Day started at 12:00 noon and lasted until 8:00 pm. The reporters' representatives said the event lasted too long and it would be much better if the event could last for only half a day, preferably on one Friday afternoon after a House Committee meeting.

  2. The venue is too far away

    Since its inception in 1987, the Fun Day has been held at the Hong Kong Sports Institute in Shatin. Even though coach services are provided for reporters participating in the event, reporters still found the venue too far away and not convenient for them to go back to their offices. They would prefer a place nearer to the urban area, such as the LegCo Building.

  3. The games are similar every year

    Every year, a total of 11 to 13 games such as jenga, soccer, basketball, badminton, table-tennis, treasure hunt, telematch, riddle-guessing, singing competition and etc, would be scheduled during the Fun Day. The reporters' representatives felt that these games were almost the same every year and therefore were no longer attractive. They suggested that new games such as chess, bridge, charade etc be added to the Fun Day's programme.


4. It is proposed that a LegCo Fun Day should continue to be held in the 1999-2000 session but should adopt a new format.

5. It is also proposed that an Organizing Committee comprising Members, reporters' representatives and Secretariat staff be formed to decide on the details of the Fun Day.

Advice Sought

6. Members are invited to advise:

  1. whether a LegCo Fun Day should be held in 1999-2000; and if so,

  2. whether the Fun Day should be held in the LegCo Building on one Friday afternoon after a House Committee meeting, or should be held at the Hong Kong Sports Institute on a Saturday; and

  3. whether an Organizing Committee as proposed to in paragraph 5 should be formed.

Legislative Council Secretariat
20 September 1999