Legislative Council
LC Paper No. CB(1)1045/98-99
Ref.: CB1/PL/ITB
Paper for the House Committee meeting on 26 March 1999
Monitoring of the Progress of the Year 2000 Compliance Exercise
by Legislative Council Panels
This paper outlines the proposed arrangements for monitoring the progress of Year 2000 (Y2K) compliance within Government and in Government-funded or regulated organizations.
2. At the House Committee meeting on 12 March 1999, members noted with concern that in the monitoring of the Y2K compliance exercise in Government, Government-funded and Government-regulated organisations, the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau primarily plays a co-ordinating role. The implementation of Y2K compliance, including contingency planning and testing, in different sectors is the responsibility of individual Policy Bureaux. In view of the importance of the Y2K compliance exercise, members agreed that LegCo Panels should closely monitor the progress of the exercise in the policy areas under their respective purview and review the matter with the relevant Policy Bureaux and related Non-Government organisations (NGOs).
Proposed arrangements
3. To implement the House Committee's decision and to facilitate a more systematic approach to follow up the matter, the following arrangements are proposed:
- The Panel Clerks will, in consultation with the respective Panel Chairmen and members, arrange to schedule the discussion of the Y2K issue during the months of April or May 1999. Apart from inviting Policy Bureaux to brief Panels on the progress in respective sectors, Panel Clerks will draw up a list of related NGOs to facilitate Panels in deciding if any of the NGOs should also be invited to speak on the subject at Panel meetings. Non-Panel members will also be invited to attend the meetings;
- Where possible, a checklist will be provided to the respective Policy Bureaux in advance to ensure that the progress reports prepared by the Administration contain the information required by the Panels for the purpose of the monitoring exercise;
- Any special issues arising from these Panels' meetings will be brought to the attention of the Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting to consider whether the matters should be further taken up with the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau;
- After all Panels have completed the first round of meetings on Y2K issues, the Secretariat will produce a report to the House Committee in June 1999 with a view to deciding if more vigorous actions should be taken; and
- The Panel Clerks will keep in view the on-going developments of the contingency plans being drawn up in different sectors and consult the Panels on the need for further meetings to examine the plans in detail.
4. The Secretariat has made arrangements to hold a workshop on "Y2K Compliance" at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, 1 April 1999 for Panel Clerks. Representatives from the Hong Kong Productivity Council and the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau have been invited to speak on the steps to be taken for implementing Y2K compliance and the Government's role in monitoring Y2K compliance respectively. Any Members who are interested are welcome to attend the workshop.
Advice sought
5. Members are invited to advise on the arrangements described in the foregoing paragraphs.
Legislative Council Secretariat
24 March 1999