Ref: CB2/H/S/2/98

LC Paper No. CB(2) 2093/98-99

Problem of Hong Kong Residents
Detained in the Mainland

Date and Forum of Past Discussions

The former Legislative Council

20 October 1993 Council sitting Written question (No.17) raised by Hon Emily LAU on the arrest of Ming Pao reporter.

26 January 1994 Council sitting Oral question (No. 2) raised by Hon LAU Chin-shek on detention in China of Hong Kong residents.

6 July 1994 Council sitting Oral question (No. 1) raised by Dr HUANG Chen-ya on Hong Kong residents detained as a result of commercial disputes in China.

10 May 1995 Council sitting Motion debate initiated by Dr HUANG Chen-ya on detention of Hong Kong businessmen in China.

Provisional Legislative Council

3 October 1997 Meeting of Panel on Constitutional Affairs In the course of deliberating the issue of relations between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government and the Central People's Government and other Mainland authorities.

13 October 1997 Meeting of Panel on Constitutional Affairs In the course of deliberating the issue of relations between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government and the Central People's Government and other Mainland authorities.

22 October 1997 Council meeting Written question (No. 8) raised by Dr LAW Cheung-kwok on Hong Kong permanent residents serving sentences in the Mainland.

12 November 1997 Council meeting Oral question (No. 5) raised by Mr Paul CHENG on assistance for Hong Kong-based businessmen who encountered difficulties in the Mainland.

25 March 1998 Joint meeting of the Panels on Constitutional Affairs and Public Service

In the course of deliberating the role and functions of the Beijing Office.

25 March 1998 Council meeting Oral question (No. 3) raised by Mr James TIEN on assistance to Hong Kong businessmen encountering legal problems in the Mainland.

The Legislative Council

9 September 1998 Council meeting Oral question (No. 6) raised by Dr LUI Ming-wah on assistance to Hong Kong businessmen working in the Mainland.

13 January 1999 Council meeting Oral question (No. 4) raised by Hon MA Fung-kwok on detention of Hong Kong residents in the Mainland.

28 April 1999 Council meeting Written question (No. 19) raised by Hon Emily LAU on detention of Hong Kong residents in the Mainland.

30 April 1999 House Committee meeting Discussion by House Committee on the problem of Hong Kong residents detained in the Mainland.

Legislative Council Secretariat
24 May 1999