Ref.: CB2/PL/CA

LC Paper No. CB(2) 2198/98-99

Meeting with Deputations/Individuals

Date of Meeting Names of Deputations/Individuals
12 June 1999(Saturday)
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Prof Yash GHAI
Law Faculty
University of Hong Kong

Professor Priscilla M F LEUNG
Department of Law
City University of Hong Kong

Dr LIN Feng
Department of Law
City University of Hong Kong

Mr Daniel Fung, SC (to be confirmed)

Hong Kong Bar Association

Mr Ronny TONG, SC
Mr Philip DYKES, SC

Law Society of Hong Kong(to be confirmed)
15 June 1999 (Tuesday)
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Prof Victor SIT Fung-shuen
Hong Kong Deputy to the National People's
Congress (Member of the former Preparatory
Committee of the HKSAR)

Mr SHIU Sin-por
Chief Executive
One Country Two Systems Economic
Research Institute

Hong Kong Section of the International
Commission of Jurists (JUSTICE)

Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor
(to be confirmed)

Hong Kong Human Rights Commission
(to be confirmed)

(Note: Professor Michael C Davis is out of town, he has provided a written submission)

Legislative Council Secretariat
2 June 1999