LegCo Panel on Financial Affairs and
LegCo Panel on Planning, Lands and Works

Joint meeting on
Thursday, 7 January 1999, at 12:00 noon
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building

Revised agenda

  1. Election of Chairman

  2. (12:00 noon - 12:05 pm)

  3. Estimates of consultancy fees for public works projects

  4. (12:05 pm - 12:25 pm)

    LC Paper No. CB(1)708/98-99(01)
    - Administration's information paper
    (Chinese version will follow)

  5. Financial monitoring of public works projects

  6. (12:25 pm - 12:45 pm)

    LC Paper No. CB(1)708/98-99(02)
    - Extracts of minutes of the meeting of Public Works Subcommittee held on 17 February 1998

    LC Paper No. CB(1)708/98-99(03)
    - Administration's information paper

  7. Any other business

  8. (12:45 pm onward)

Legislative Council Secretariat
6 January 1999
