Development at Anderson Road and
Development near Choi Wan Road and Jordan Valley

1. Traffic Impacts of Developments

The reserve capacity ratios of the road junctions to be improved are shown on the attached Key Plan. The volume/capacity ratios of the associated road links are also shown. When forecasting the traffic volume, all population from committed and planned developments in the district have been included. With the implementation of the proposed improvement schemes, all road junctions and road links are expected to be operating within capacity.

2. Air Quality - Potential Dust impacts from Anderson Road Quarry

In assessing the potential dust problem from the quarry, the following two criteria are used :

Average Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) Concentration
Not more than 5003
Not more than 2603

In the modelling exercise, topography of the area has been taken into account. To obtain the worst-case condition, all different wind directions and wind speed of up to 8 m/s (i.e. 29 km/hr) were used.

The EIA modelling results showed that the 1-hour criterion of 5003 would not be exceeded within the development site (Figure 1).

Results also showed that the 24-hour criterion of 260 would not be exceeded for all sensitive receivers (i.e. housing blocks and schools). The criterion may be exceeded for a small part of the development site (Figure 2) but the area is planned for slopes and landscape within the 100m buffer distance between the quarry plant and sensitive receivers.

Recent dust monitoring results (station location shown in Figure 2) since March 1999 are also attached. It is observed that while the projected modelling result for 24-hour measurement is about 4803at the monitoring station, the actual readings were all below the predicted figure.

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