Information Technology and Broadcasting Panel
Progress of the Cyberport Project
At the Information Technology and Broadcasting Panel meeting held on 12 July 1999, Members considered a paper submitted by the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau (ITBB) attaching a chart showing a total of 30 milestones of the Cyberport project. Members requested to be updated on the progress of the project at its next meeting in September 1999, having regard to the milestones highlighted in the chart and including information on the objections to the project received in accordance with various necessary statutory procedures.
Progress of the Project
2. The up-to-date chart showing the position of the Cyberport project as at 31 August 1999 is at the
Annex. This shows that the 30 items described in the previous chart have been progressing according to their original schedules. We have also added onto this chart three new items on the resolution of the objections to the project received after its gazettal. Altogether there are 33 milestones under five broad types of activities: Infrastructural Works, Superstructure Construction, Gazettal of Project, Management, and Marketing and Promotion. More details about these five types of activities are given in paragraph 3 - 9 below.
Infrastructural Works (Items 1 - 8 of the chart)
3. Detailed design of the advance ground treatment commenced in April 1999 and was completed in August 1999. Advance ground treatment works will commence in late September 1999.
4. Detailed designs of the road works (excluding the Northern Access Road) and the sewage treatment plant commenced in April 1999 and are now underway. As to the Northern Access Road, the selection of consultants for the detailed design commenced in May 1999. The design work will start in late September 1999.
Superstructure Construction (Items 9 - 17 of the chart)
5. The overall design of Cyberport buildings has commenced and is in progress.
Objections received upon the Gazettal of the Cyberport Project (Items 18 - 20 of the chart)
6. The amendments to the Pokfulam Outline Zoning Plan was gazetted under the Town Planning Ordinance on 30 April 1999. A total of 14 objections were received during the objection period. Consideration of these objections by the Town Planning Board, in the presence of objectors, is scheduled for November 1999.
7. The proposed roadworks and the proposed sewage submarine outfall and temporary jetties were gazetted on 30 April 1999, under the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance [R(W,U&C)O] and the Foreshore and Sea-bed (Reclamations) Ordinance [F&S(R)O], respectively. Six objections under the R(W,U&C)O and one objection under the F&S(R)O were received within the objection period. These objections will be put to the Executive Council late this year.
Management (Items 21 - 29 of the chart)
8. We are in the process of incorporating a company to hold the title of the Cyberport.
Marketing and Promotion (Items 30 - 33 of the chart)
9. ITBB regularly consults prospective tenants and other interested groups. We have just completed one round of consultations in July and August. This exercise included interviews and focus group discussions with prospective tenants and a discussion forum with other interested parties, including the academia, the information technology and information services industry and venture capitalists.
Next Progress Report
10. As stated in the paper considered by Members on 12 July 1999, we shall keep Members informed of the progress of the project on a quarterly basis through the submission of updated charts to the Panel.
Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau
September 1999