LC Paper No. CB(2) 302/98-99(01)

LegCo Panel on Manpower

Revised list of outstanding items for discussion

(as at 22.9.1998)

1. Member's bill on age discrimination to be introduced by Hon LAU Chin-shek

Proposed by Mr LAU Chin-shek on 14 July 1998. He intends to introduce a Member's bill on age discrimination in this session. The item was originally scheduled for discussion at the meeting held in September 1998. At the request of Mr LAU, the discussion of the item was deferred.

2. Review on employment conditions of live-in domestic helpers

The purpose of the review is to assess whether special arrangements are required for this group of employees. The Administration aims to complete the review by the third quarter of 1998.

3. Review on re-instatement

The Administration has advised that it has commenced the review on re-instatement in July 1998 to consider whether there is a need to introduce changes to the condition for re-instatement which is at present subject to mutual consent of employers and employees. The review is expected to be completed by the end of 1998.

4. Proposal on minimum wage

Requested by the Hong Kong Social Security Society and agreed by the Chairman. In its research paper circulated to members vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 87/98-99, the Society suggests the setting up of a Wages Council for the establishment of a system on minimum wage and the Administration to take the lead in implementing minimum wage. At the meeting on 28 July 1998, members agreed that employers' associations, labour organizations and academic institutions be invited to put forward their views on the proposal and to discuss the item at the meeting held in October 1998. These bodies have been invited to forward their views, if any, to the Secretariat by early October 1998.

5. Review of working time arrangements

The review includes a study on the pattern of working time arrangements of Hong Kong's work force, an assessment of likely economic implications, overseas experience and practice etc. The item was originally scheduled for discussion at the meeting held in September 1998. At the request of the Administration, the discussion was deferred.

6. Rest break of employees

Proposed by Mr Andrew CHENG Kar-foo on 21 September 1998. A copy of his letter is in the Annex.

Legislative Council Secretariat
22 September 1998