LC Paper No. CB(2)2799/98-99(01)
LegCo Panel on Security
List of follow-up actions required of the Administration
(as at 10 September 1999)
Subject | Date of Meeting | Present Position | Remarks
1. Police information technology strategy
1.1 Funding proposal for the second five-year Information Systems Strategy (ISS) of the Police Force
05.11.98 |
The Administration was requested to report back to the Panel on the finding of its review of the first ISS. |
Response awaited.
| 2. Arrangements with the Mainland on surrender of fugitive offenders
2.1 Hong Kong residents being tried in the Mainland for offences committed solely in Hong Kong
2.2 Committal proceedings for fugitive offenders
2.3 Mainlanders committed offence in Hong Kong and were subsequently arrested and tried in the Mainland
03.12.98 |
The Administration was requested to keep members informed of further clarification sought from the Mainland authorities regarding the case of LAU Kwok-wah.
The Administration was requested to provide information on how the committal proceedings, in particular the evidence requirements under section 10(6)(b)(iii) of Cap. 503, are implemented.
The Administration was requested to provide information on whether there were cases similar to the LI Yu-hai case.
Information received and circulated to members vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 2631/98-99(01) dated 26 July 1999.
Information received and circulated to members vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 2631/98-99(01) dated 26 July 1999.
Information received and circulated to members vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 2631/98-99(01) dated 26 July 1999.
| 3. Police Force Service quality improvements
3.1 Police officers with unmanageable debts
The Administration was requested to provide the findings of the six-monthly survey on Police officers with unmanageable debts for the second half of 1998.
Information provided vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 2537/98-99(03) and the issue was discussed at the meeting on 21 July 1999.
| 4. Immigration Service Training School and Perowne Immigration Centre
4.1 Staff cost for the funding proposal to construct the training school and immigration centre
04.03.99 |
The Administration was requested to provide a breakdown of the staff cost set out in paragraph 18 of the information paper (LC Paper No. CB(2) 1374/98-99(03)) and details of the staff cost of the Correctional Services Department staff for managing the Victoria Immigration Detention Centre. |
Response awaited.
| 5. Measures to tackle the smuggling of cigarettes into Hong Kong
5.1 Enforcement action
5.2 Rewards for informants
The Administration was requested to provide information on the number of reports received on smuggling and illegal sale of cigarettes and the response time for carrying out raids.
The Administration was requested to provide a breakdown of the number of reports received under the reward scheme made by members of the public, cigarette distributors and other organizations.
Information received and circulated to members vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 2599/98-99(01) dated 19 July 1999.
Information received and circulated to members vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 2599/98-99(01) dated 19 July 1999.
| 6. Progress of Year 2000 compliance in Government, Government-funded and Government-regulated organizations within the purview of the Security Bureau
6.1 Y2K compliance in the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED)
6.2 Mission-critical systems in the Hong Kong Police Force
The Administration was requested to provide information on the progress of Y2K compliance work carried out by C&ED in relation to systems used for drug trafficking detection.
The Administration undertook to provide a list of mission-critical systems in the Force.
Information provided vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 2537/98-99(05) which was circulated to members on 12 July 1999.
Information received and circulated to members vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 2659/98-99 dated 3 August 1999.
| 7. Review of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force
7.1 Six-month trial on the implementation of recommendations arising from the review
The Administration was requested to report back to the Panel on the finding of the review to be conducted upon the completion of the trial. |
Response awaited.
| 8. Application and verification procedures for a Certificate of Entitlement (C of E) 8.1 Arrangements for OWP and C of E applications | 13.07.99 | The Administration undertook to provide a paper for the Panel's information in six months' time after the implementation of the application arrangements. | Response awaited.
| 9. Indebtedness of police officers 9.1 Six-monthly survey on Police officers with unmanageable debts | 21.07.99 | The Administration was requested to provide a breakdown of indebted Police officers due to gambling and overspending in the second half of 1998 by new cases and cases being brought forward from the first half of 1998. | Response awaited.
To be followed up by the Subcommittee on indebtedness of Police officers.
| 10. Provision of video-interview rooms (VIRs) in police stations
10.1 Use of VIRs
10.2 Review of VIR scheme
The Administration was requested to provide a breakdown of cases where VIRs were used by the criteria laid down in para. 5(a) to (c) of the Administration's information paper (LC Paper No. CB(2) 2537/98-99(04)).
The Administration was requested to revert back to the Panel after the completion of the review of the VIR scheme.
Response awaited.
Response awaited.
| 11. Follow-up on the progress of Year 2000 compliance in Government, Government-funded and Government-regulated organizations within the purview of the Security Bureau
| 21.07.99 | The Administration was requested to provide a consolidated report on the result of the test and exercise of each department's contingency plan as early as practicable. | To be followed up at the meeting on 16 September 1999.
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Legislative Council Secretariat
10 September 1999