CB(1) 395/98-99(03)
23 October 1998
Legislative Council Secretariat
3/F, Citibank Tower
Central, Hong Kong
By Fax (2869 6794) & By Post
Attn : | Ms Leung Siu Kum
Clerk to Panel Trade and Industry |
Dear Ms Leung
Thank you for your invitation to attend at the Legco Panel on trade and industry. Our view is the criminal sanctions contained in the Ordinance limit free importation and availability of genuine products in Hong Kong. The sanctions are restrictive to the conduct of free and open trade; a comerstone of Hong Kong's economic prosperity and success.
Movieland has sought to work closely with the holder's of copyright in works and will continue to act with a view to resolving issues of supply and availability of high quality product in Hong Kong at reasonable prices in a timely manner. Subsequent to the last Panel meeting we met with the MPA representative Mr Hardee. Representatives of the MPA and others have repeatedly stated the law is focused not against the activities of legitimate parties dealing with copyright product but those engaged in piracy.
As we have attended and made written representations, we do not propose to formally re-state the position already put to the panel. The five minutes provided for each representation at the next panel would not provide adequate time to expand on detailed long term ramifications of continued criminal sanctions. A staff member from A J Halkes (hopefully Mr Halkes) and I will be present but would not seek to make a further statement unless called upon to do so by honourable members.
Yours sincerely
Colin Grant