LC Paper No. CB(3) 138/98-99(03)
Select Committee to inquire into the circumstances leading to
the problems surrounding the commencement of the operation of
the new Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok
since 6 July 1998 and related issues
Scope of inquiry
Proposed issues for consideration of the Select Committee
Members are invited to give their views on the scope of inquiry of the Select Committee, in particular, the issues that should be covered. To facilitate members�discussion, a list of major problem areas surrounding the commencement of the operation of the Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok is set out in paragraph 2 below. The list is by no means exhaustive.
List of major problem areas
2. | (a)
| The choice of 6 July 1998 as the date of commencement of the operation of the new Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok
| (b) | Integration, co-ordination and supervision of construction and operation, including contingency plans
| (c) | Infrastructure and facilities
| (d) | Passenger services
| (e) | Air cargo services
| (f) | Security
| (g) | Airport staff performance
| (h) | Noise under the flight path
| (i) | Responsibilities and liabilities
List of information to be obtained by the Select Committee at the preliminary stage
3. Subject to members�agreement, the Clerk to the Select Committee will arrange to obtain the information as listed in the Appendix for further study by the Select Committee.
Legislative Council Secretariat
30 July 1998
Proposed list of information to be obtained by the Select Committee
at the preliminary stage
Information to be obtained :
1. From the Airport Development Steering Committee
- Organization charts since April 1990
- Membership, terms of reference, and minutes of meetings related to the nine major problem areas listed in paragraph 2 of the paper (the nine major problem areas) since April 1990
2. From Airport Authority
- Name and duty lists of the Executive Directors and management team members of Airport Authority since April 1990
- Organization charts and business directories of Airport Authority since April 1990
- Minutes of meetings related to the Airport Operational Readiness Programme (AORP) and progress reports of AORP since April 1990
- Minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors related to the nine major problem areas since April 1990
- Consultancy reports by Greiner International Ltd. and Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd., the Airport Master Plan Consultants, since April 1990, which are related to the nine major problem areas
- Name list of all contractors responsible for the various operations related to the nine major problem areas since April 1990
- Service contracts between the Airport Authority and air cargo operators, Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminal Limited, freight forwarders, and other relevant parties such as the Post Office
3. From New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office (NAPCO)
- Name and duty lists of the Executive Directors and management team members since April 1990
- Organization charts and business directories since April 1990
- Minutes of management meetings related to the nine major problem areas since April 1990
4. From the Secretary for Economic Services
- Name and duty lists of all officers responsible since April 1990 for liaison, co-ordination and supervision in areas in which any of the major problems has arisen
- Organization charts and business directories since April 1990
- Minutes of management meetings related to the nine major problem areas since April 1990
5. From the Secretary for Works
- Name and duty lists of all officers responsible since April 1990 for liaison, co-ordination and supervision in areas in which any of the major problems has arisen
- Organization charts and business directories since April 1990
- Minutes of the management meetings related to the nine major problem areas since April 1990
6. From the Consultative Committee on the New Airport and Related Projects
- Organization charts and business directories since April 1990
- Membership, terms of reference, and minutes of meetings related to the nine major problem areas since April 1990
7. From the Airport Facilitation Committee
- Organization charts and business directories since April 1990
- Membership, terms of reference, and minutes of meetings related to the nine major problem areas since April 1990
8. Airport Operations Committee
- Organization charts and business directories since April 1990
- Membership, terms of reference, and minutes of meeting related to the nine major problem areas since April 1990
9. Aviation Advisory Board
- Organization charts and business directories since April 1990
- Membership, terms of reference, and minutes of meetings related to the nine major problem areas since April 1990
10. Mass Transit Railway Corporation
- Organization charts and business directories related to the Airport Railway since April 1990
- Minutes of the management meetings related to the nine major problem areas with respect to the Airport Railway since April 1990
The date of April 1990 was chosen because it was the date when the Provisional Airport Authority was established. The Airport Authority was established on 1 December 1995.