Legislative Council

LC Paper No. CB(2) 4/98-99

Ref: CB2/P/3

Paper for the House Committee Meeting
on 6 July 1998

Legislative Council House Rules


This paper seeks Members' approval of the draft House Rules in Annex A.

Draft House Rules

2. The House Rules are guidelines made by the House Committee to complement the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council. The House Rules also provide for those practices which are agreements among Members as to how certain business of the Council and its committees should be conducted. While the Rules of Procedure of the Council have to be approved by resolution in Council, the House Rules are to be adopted by the House Committee. Some of the guidelines and practices covered in the House Rules are highlighted below -

(a)Registration and allocation of questions to be asked in Council 5, 7
(b)Asking of urgent questions 10
(c)Allocation of slots for debates on Members' motions with no legislative effect 14
(d)Recommended speaking time for debates on Members' motions with no legislative effect 17
(e)Arrangement for adjournment debates 18
(f)Relationship between the House Committee and Bills Committees 20(g),
(h),(i) and (m)
(g)Queuing system of Bills Committees 21(a),(e)
and (f)
(h)Procedure for a Bills Committee to report to the Council 21(i),(j),
(k) and (l)
(i)Relationship between the House Committee and Panels 20(i), 22(a),(q),
(t) and (u)
(j)Procedure for a Panel to report to the Council 22(u) and 2
(k)Guidelines for conduct of meetings 24
(l)Meetings with Provisional District Boards 32
(m)Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee 34

3. The proposed House Rules in Annex A have been drafted on the basis of the Rules of Procedure adopted by the Council on 2 July 1998 and the House Rules of the former Legislative Council and Provisional Legislative Council. The draft House Rules are essentially the same as the previous House Rules except for the technical amendments set out in Annex B and some textual changes to enhance clarity and presentation.

Advice Sought

4. Members are invited to consider and approve the draft House Rules in Annex A.

Legislative Council Secretariat
3 July 1998