Legislative Council

LC Paper No. CB(1)5/98-99

Ref: CB1/PL/G/1

Paper for the House Committee Meeting
on 6 July 1998

Legislative Council Panels


This paper seeks members' agreement to the formation of 18 Legislative council Panels for the term commencing July 1998 and the arrangements for Members to join these Panels.


2. In accordance with Rule 77 of the Rules of Procedure, there shall be such number of committees, to be called Panels, as the House Committee considers appropriate and as the Council may approve. A Panel monitors and examines policy matters referred to it by a member of the Panel or by the House Committee. It also provides a forum for the exchange of views on Government policies and issues of public concern, and for the Administration to consult Members on major legislative and financial proposals before these are formally introduced into the Council or the Finance Committee. To enable Panels to monitor the wide range of Government policies effectively, each Panel normally undertakes a specific area of responsibility corresponding to that of a Bureau Secretary in the Government Secretariat.

3. The terms of reference of a Panel are recommended by the House Committee and approved by the Council.


Setting up of 18 Panels

4. In determining the number of Panels to be proposed and the delineation of responsibilities of Panels, the Secretariat has consulted the Administration and incorporated their suggestions in the present proposal.

5. It is proposed that :

  1. the 18 Panels as listed in Appendix I be formed, subject to the membership requirement under Rule 77(8) of the Rules of Procedure that there should be not less than six members including the chairman in each Panel;

  2. in the event that a Panel cannot be formed due to the lack of requisite membership, the issues pertaining to the corresponding Policy Bureau be taken up by other Panel(s) as appropriate or be referred to the House Committee for a decision on whether a subcommittee should be formed to study such issues as and when necessary; and

  3. the proposed terms of reference of the 18 Panels are to be those as listed in Appendix II.

Signification of membership

6. According to Rule 77(4), the procedural rules governing the manner and timing of the signification of membership for Panels shall be decided by the House Committee. It is proposed that :

  1. all Members, except the President of the Council, be invited to signify membership for the Panels of their choice on or before noon, 11 July 1998;

  2. Members be given the opportunity to re-signify membership for the Panels at the beginning of each of the subsequent legislative sessions in the term; and

  3. new Members who join the Legislative Council after the start of a legislative session be requested to signify membership for the Panels of their choice within one month from the dates they are declared elected as Members of the Council.

7. In order that the 18 Panels proposed could start work in mid-July 1998, it is proposed that a motion be moved at the Legislative Council meeting on 8 July 1998 seeking approval for setting up the 18 Panels and their terms of reference. If this is agreed, leave of the President to dispense with the notice of the motion under Rule 29(1) will be required.

Advice sought

8. Members are requested to endorsee the proposals described in paragraphs 4 - 7 above and to recommend to the President for waiving the notice requirement for moving the motion in relation to the formation of the Panels.

Legislative Council Secretariat
2 July 1998

Appendix I

Legislative Council Panels


Corresponding Bureau/Body

Policy Area


Education & Manpower Bureau

Labour and manpower planning matters

Recreation, Culture and Sport

Home Affairs Bureau

Matters relating to development of arts and culture, public entertainment, sport and recreation

Public Service

Civil Service Bureau

Matters relating to the civil service and Government-funded public bodies and other public service matters

Administration of Justice and Legal Services


Department of Justice

Matters relating to the administration of justice and legal services

Home Affairs

Home Affairs Bureau

District, community and rural matters, civic education, human rights, data protection, press freedom, building management, youth and women matters


Transport Bureau

Transport matters


Housing Bureau

Private and public housing matters


Security Bureau

Independent Commission Against


Security, public order, public safety, corruption-related issues, and nationality and immigration matters

Constitutional Affairs

Constitutional Affairs Bureau

Matters relating to implementation of the Joint Declaration and the Basic Law, relations between the HKSAR Government and the Central People’s Government and other Mainland authorities, electoral matters and district organizations

Financial Affairs

Finance Bureau

Financial Services Bureau

Financial and finance matters


Education & Manpower Bureau

Education matters

Trade and Industry

Trade and Industry Bureau

Trade and industry matters

Planning, Lands and Works

Planning, Environment &

Lands Bureau

Works Bureau

Lands, buildings and planning matters, works and water supply and Public Works Programme

Welfare Services

Health & Welfare Bureau

Welfare and rehabilitation services matters

Information Technology and Broadcasting

Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau

Matters relating to information technology, telecommunications, broadcasting, film censorship and services

Economic Services

Economic Services Bureau

Economic matters

Health Services

Health & Welfare Bureau

Medical and health services matters

Environmental Affairs

Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau

Environmental and conservation affairs

Legislative Council

Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine, consistent with maintaining the independence of the Judiciary and the rule of law, policy matters relating to the administration of justice and legal services, including the effectiveness of their implementation by relevant officials and departments.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Constitutional Affairs

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to implementation of the Joint Declaration and the Basic Law, relations between the HKSAR Government and the Central People's Government and other Mainland authorities, electoral matters and district organizations.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Environmental Affairs

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to environmental and conservation affairs.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Economic Services

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to economic matters.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy area prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy area as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Financial Affairs

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to financial and finance matters.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Housing

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to private and public housing matters.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Health Services

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to medical and health services matters.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Manpower

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to labour and manpower planning matters.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Planning, Lands and Works

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to lands, buildings and planning matters, works and water supply and Public Works Programme.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy area prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy area as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Public Service

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern on matters relating to the civil service and Government-funded public bodies, and other public service matters.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Security

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to security, public order, public safety, corruption-related matters and nationality and immigration matters.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Home Affairs

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to district, community and rural matters, human rights, civic education, data protection, press freedom, building management, youth and women matters.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues relating to information technology, telecommunications, broadcasting, film censorship and services.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Recreation, Culture and Sport

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to the development of arts and culture, public entertainment, sport and recreation.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Trade and Industry

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to trade and industry matters.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Transport

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to transport matters.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy area prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy area as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Welfare Services

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to welfare and rehabilitation services matters.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy areas prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy areas as referred by the Council or House Committee or raised by the Panel itself.

Legislative Council

Panel on Education

Proposed Terms of Reference

  1. To monitor and examine Government policies and issues of public concern relating to education matters.

  2. To provide a forum for the exchange and dissemination of views on related policy matters.

  3. To receive briefings and to formulate views on any major legislative or financial proposals in the relevant policy area prior to their formal introduction to the Council or Finance Committee.

  4. To examine and to report on any major issues of wide public concern in the relevant policy area as referred by the Council or House Committee or as raised by the Panel itself.